Bob Hugin, you are
running for the United States Senate by way of New Jersey (Republican). You are either being disingenuous, naive or you are lying in your commercials. You claim that if elected, you will vote INDEPENDENT OF PARTY if that vote will help or protect New Jersey. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY ! ! ! As things stand, REPUBLICANS VOTE AS MITCH McCONNELL, their leader in the Senate, TELLS THEM TO VOTE. Oh, you don't believe me? Ask Susan Collins. Ask Jeff Flake. Ask Dean Heller. Ask Bob Corker. If you go against leadership, you're out, Pal! What does that mean? No committees, no money or projects for your home state, no visits by lobbyists ($), contributions dry up fast, nobody returns your calls. You are lower than a Democrat because you are not a team player.
Who are you trying to fool? The Independent voters in New Jersey? Jaded Democrats? Really? REALLY? You are not off on a good foot, Sir.
Let me offer you a more accurate campaign slogan: A VOTE FOR BOB HUGIN IS A VOTE FOR MITCH McCONNELL.