Malta official resigns after involvement in U.S. Capitol siege
MALTA – Sharon Pineo, the Round Lake resident who was involved in Wednesday's siege on the U.S. Capitol, has resigned as a member of the Malta Zoning Board of Appeals.
Malta Supervisor Darren O’Connor said that she stepped down in a brief letter to him, submitted on Monday afternoon.
“I tender this resignation with regret but believe that in these challenging times, it is important not to allow any impediment to the smooth operation of the town business,” Pineo wrote in the letter provided to the Times Union. “It has been my honor to serve on the board. I thank you and former Supervisor (Vincent) DeLucia for the opportunity.”
Pineo, who has been on the zoning board of appeals since 2018, did not mention anything about her involvement in last Wednesday's riot when hundreds stormed the U.S. Capitol while Congress was meeting to certify the 2020 Electoral College. While a photo shared on social media shows her being led from the Capitol by police officers with her hands behind her back, there has been no evidence Pineo has been criminally charged.
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(Albany Times Union)