North Carolina
Related: About this forum"The only state they lost in David Plouffe's battleground map was North Carolina"
(said Chucky Toad)

The ONE black, ugly, smarmy, filthy sad-ass mark on this whole night was THIS and that freaking, smirking Duke Power tool for governor here. YUCK.

WTH is the MATTER with this state?
THE REST OF THE COUNTRY moves #FORWARD - but North Carolina SLAMS it into REVERSE?

(61,001 posts)somehow the state needs to find some people who can win. Mr. I smell something bad-face McCrory....oh boy. Ellmers. Yikes.
Well, we will have lots to discuss in our future gatherings...
(4,982 posts)Arrogant JERK!
(1,022 posts)And a message. It's like the democrats have given up in this state. We need people running who can motivate the young people to vote.
(61,001 posts)Lots to process and think about, for sure. I hope that NC Dems get it together quickly so it can start moving in the right direction in two years.
(2,649 posts)One step forward, two steps back. Ridiculous!
(714 posts)The group we were working with are wonderful. The people of NC need to pull together and fight these crazies on the local level..We can do it When they start drilling off the coast they may change their mind.
(4,982 posts)in their back yards and can't vote early anymore and their water is poison...maybe then some people will grok a clue. Maybe...ugh.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)I don't know though. I live on the coast and Republicans here are always spouting off how they want to "Drill baby, drill!".
(4,982 posts)...see how they like it.
(714 posts)barbtries
(30,237 posts)
(52,589 posts)I'm one of those gerrymandered voters as well. Though I live in Raleigh, I'm now grouped with people from Sampson and Wayne Counties. My votes for legislature and the US House of Representatives no longer count.
(4,982 posts)They broke up David Price's district into 4 or 5 districts, combined them (or at least mine) with a bunch of others from other counties. My vote is shit here. And I had David Price as my congressman for YEARS - liked him and voted him back in every time. Now I've got some dude I never heard of.
I HATE Repigs.
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)the Kochs
the vote suppressors
the corporate exploiters
____what else?
The NC Repugs had a whole lotta outside help.
(17,651 posts)We need a few good Dems.
Anyone have any ideas? Gonna have to start getting to work now.
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)Must be SOME good Dems that can help get out of this hole.
Right, time is now.
(1,022 posts)It hurts. I try not to think about it too much because it hurts. I think about all the people here who worked so hard to get out the vote and I hurt for them. And it's the redistricting...makes me feel so helpless and hopeless.
(121,814 posts)
(11,441 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 7, 2012, 04:09 PM - Edit history (1)
What are the reasons?
--Weak economy, high unemployment, and negligible organized labor
--Dumbasses who think we'll magically become energy independent with fracking?
--Billy Graham and his "biblical principles"
--Rethuglicans capitalizing on Democratic "scandals"
--Growing senior population thanks to what must be financially-sound retirees pouring into the state (based on all the luxury retirement communities I'm seeing around...)
What else needs to be added to that list?
If Dems don't get ahead of the voter ID requirements that will be coming into play, this state is finished.
(4,982 posts)Thanks to Citizens United, which MUST be overturned.
(11,441 posts)does not always equal victory, as we see from some of the nationwide races. There is just something especially mean-spirited about some North Carolinians (Amendment One is a prime example...). Mean-spirited and COMPLETELY brainwashed by religion. It's tough to stomach.
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)There are a LOT of "fiscal conservatives" in and around Charlotte, in the Triangle, the Coast, and other pockets....
They are NOT brainwashed by Christianity--they're brainwashed by the God of Mammon.
(11,441 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 7, 2012, 05:25 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm tired/deflated and didn't post clearly -- it's the social issues where I'm seeing the mean-spiritedness and fundie brainwashing. The Virginia Foxx mentality...
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)for the most part. Many left other places in order to live here with lower taxes and more rightism.
Not many want to come out and say that, but I see that you did and I agree. I saw all the Rmoney signs in the wealthy neighborhoods, and I know a few professionally.
They skunked us big.
I don't know what we can do about that.
(11,441 posts)NC retaining young people after they get their degrees from our outstanding universities (Rs just might destroy the UNC system, too). That trend worries me: Less young and more old (I'm middle-aged, so don't pounce, anyone!).
Well, at least the Wake Tech bonds passed... and overwhelmingly.
(13,685 posts)What has happened is that the Dems are all fighting amongst ourselves. The old Dems hate the new Dems and the feeling is mutual.
Liberals are the scourge and the conservatives are to blame.
None of the people who ran in the primaries campaigned for the party's candidate in the general. What we have is a party of individuals who are only for themselves. It is as if they are ashamed to be Democrats, and in a weird way makes me ashamed to be a Democrat.
Oh well at least I have you'ins to commiserate with.
(4,982 posts)for any Dems to ever get into office here anymore. We WILL be another Texas or Mississippi. Red-state sewer. As I've said:
NC is finished. I hope I'm wrong. I hope I can hang in here until I can retire and get the hell OUT.
(13,685 posts)The time for a unified and cohesive Democratic party is now.
Call it the New South Dems and base it around Obama and other liberal leaning members of the party.
Harass the reds and make it so that every vote they make comes home to haunt them.
In two years take back the legislature. It could be done.
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)VA and FL are fighting essentially the same battles. We are not alone.
(13,685 posts)What's up NC?