$142 million library referendum headed for the ballot in November
The county Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution Monday night that will add a multi-million dollar library bond referendum to the ballot this November that would fund renovations, replacements, and expansions for many of the countys libraries.
The decision to adopt the $142 million library bond resolution came after a public hearing during which citizens spoke on the potential possible merits, and potential consequences, the referendum might have on the countys library system if it is adopted by voters come November.
Many speakers keyed on the exact future location of Athens Drive Community Library in southwest Raleigh as a point of importance. If the referendum passes, a new library will be built near the new Athens Drive High School once the school is completed in 2026.
The current library sits in a walkable neighborhood with easy transit access, and serves a visitor base that is diverse in income, age, and cultural background. Some fear that a new library might be relocated to a different neighborhood altogether, leaving current visitors with fewer options when it comes to accessing library resources.