North Carolina
Related: About this forumRetrowire's North Carolinian Endorsements for the Bernie voter!
Hello all!
So, I've been asked by several North Carolinian DUer's now for my opinions on who we should vote for. Some of you have already done your homework but are unsure of one or two options. Some of you are unfamiliar with North Carolina's current political make up. Some of you just need a second opinion! So I've decided to write up this OP.
DISCLAIMER: I am not telling you who to vote for. That is your solemn right and I respect any differences in opinion we're bound to have. This is just a post that I'm writing to help those who are leaning on their options and need a little help with committing.
Okay, I'm going to go down the line of all the down ticket Dems that I'll be voting for on Tuesday. Some of them are only within my district, so unless you live in Wake County, THOSE particular Dems won't be necessary for you.
I've done all kinds of research on each of the candidates, I've looked at their voting records (when I could find them), their top contributors (when I could find them) and any statements they've made politically (when I could find them). Other than that, I looked at their mission and their experience. So let's go down the list!
My Notes: Not a career politician, currently the president of an employment recruiting company. Very smart regarding business needs and has great ideas about businesses being distributed in more rural areas. Knows what the businesses need in order for that to happen. A strong progressive. A SANDERS DEMOCRAT. (meaning he has approved of Bernie's platform and proves that he would certainly work well with a Bernie presidency.)
My Notes: A true progressive. Anti Fracking, Pro Choice, Anti Discrimination. Issues are the most important thing to him on his website. His popular rival Roy Cooper is too entrenched in economics. Even when confronted with issues against LGBT people, Cooper's first response was "Well how would it effect the economy?" Roy Cooper is also funded by Big Pharma, Big Tobacco and Progress Energy, the same energy company that caused the Coal Ash Spill that ruined one of NC's rivers. Roy Cooper doesn't have a stance on much. But he always seems to have a stance on things when it comes to economics. Ken Spaulding however, is focused on that and much more.
My Notes: Knows exactly what she's talking about regarding NC's economy and job issues. She knows exactly which industries have left NC and we need back (Auto and Film industry). Seems much more knowledgeable than her rivals.
My Notes: Very knowledgeable on crime and punishment, knows which crimes are most common in NC, also an adamant equal rights advocate.
My Notes: Sounds like a local Robert Reich. Definitely knows his stuff. Knows the numbers very well. Pension and retirement is his top priority. Totally against Wall St.
My Notes: She's the incumbent and says all the right things. She's basically identical with the rival but has more experience already working in the Public Instruction Department. She's been in the department since 2005. And in her tenure she has lifted the NC graduation rate from the 60 percents to the 80 percents. She's doing her job well and her challenger isn't promising anything that she isn't already. Keep her in.
My Notes: Pro Union and wants to repeal "Right to Work" laws that restrict the collective bargaining of workers. Cares about farm workers, wants to encourage technological training to all eligible workers, not just high school graduates. Is more focused on the worker rather than the business as her rival seems to be.
Reasoning: I did the best research I could. Essentially, this is the state taking out a 2 billion dollar "mortgage" to invest into our infrastructure, education and National Guard. According to the website and several other sources, it WILL NOT RAISE OUR TAXES. But according to an opposition website it WILL RAISE OUR TAXES. Looking into it though, most Democrats and Liberals approve of the Bond. The Republican party is split 50/50 on it. And from what I read, it's the Tea Party division of the Republicans that are the only ones opposing it.... Anything the Tea Partiers are against... I figure I'm for it.
Notes: Jay Chaudhuri is a Progressive champion. He supports equal pay for women, fighting LGBT discrimination, strong gun control, higher minimum wage, reducing income inequality, Pro Choice, higher pay for teachers, reduction of class sizes, restoring funding to schools, etc... AND Vicki Scroggins Johnson has more experience in district management than her rival. Has broader goals rather than just being focused on a few things.
So there you have it. I hope that cross referencing your list with my list can help you out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
(10,345 posts)daleanime
(17,796 posts)who's your choice for president?
(10,345 posts)My Notes: I like his hair.
LOL You know who I'm voting for president daleanime!!! Bernie!
mike dub
(541 posts)thanks, retrowire (Durham County voter, here)!
(10,345 posts)unapatriciated
(5,390 posts)retrowire
(10,345 posts)unapatriciated
(5,390 posts)Wilmington is a college town and we have a yuge student population volunteering for Bernie. Makes me feel young at 64.
(10,345 posts)Couldn't leave the coast huh?
And Wilmington I can see totally going for Bernie!
(5,390 posts)both hubby and I work for TJ's and moved first to Atlanta than here in Wilmington to open new stores. Our next adventure will be Portland, Or. My son is getting to a point where he will need our help (dx with Dermatomyositis in 1991). Portland has one of the leading teaching hospitals for treatment and research in regards his illness. We have enjoyed our stay in Wilmington but are looking forward to going back west.
(10,345 posts)And I'm glad you've enjoyed my native state so much!
(5,390 posts)made sure we got to all the touristy cities, Asheville was beautiful last fall and the Biltmore was awesome.
We knew going in that eventually we would have to assist my son on day to day living, I'm just grateful he had a few years of remission.
When he was first diagnosed in 1991 docs did not give us much hope, it has been a long hard journey for my son but there have been many bright spots. Thank you for your well wishes.
(972 posts)If we only had a few more like you in SOUTH Carolina!
(10,345 posts)StandingInLeftField
(972 posts)I'm old and tired, but I can still type!
(185 posts)retrowire
(10,345 posts)MoonchildCA
(1,344 posts)She is a new NC voter, and a big Bernie supporter. I always do all the research on the candidates here in California, and she, my husband, a couple of her friends and mine, trust me with my recommendations.
With her schedule, I doubt she has had time to look into it all herself, so this will be a great help.
(10,345 posts)ladyVet
(1,587 posts)due to your listing of why you're voting for them.
This is what I had earlier today:
Spaulding for governor
Wilson for lt gov (will probably switch to Coleman)
Elmer for State Treasurer
Griffin for US Senate
Roberts for US House of Representatives
Williams for NC Attorney General (will likely switch that to Stein)
Ferguson for NC Commissioner of Labor
Atkinson for NC Sup of Public Instruction (was unsure earlier, but will take your points to tip to her side)
Will vote Yes on improvement bond.
Anyone with anything to say about my choices, hop in and give me a reason to switch. Except for Bernie. Nothing going to change that vote.
I'm in northern Alamance county, which I think is in the process of being redistricted. I saw something about voting in May for something or other, which would explain why no local offices are listed on our dem site. Or I may be misunderstanding it and missed them.