North Carolina
Related: About this forumNASCAR just came out against HB2.

NC General Assembly and Governor McCrory are soooooo screwed in November. Pretty sure this is not going the way they planned.

liberal N proud
(61,081 posts)North Carolina takes NASCAR very seriously.
(11,243 posts)GOP bigots forgot that, I guess. Or completely misjudged the amount of blowback they were going to get on this. Dumbasses.
(17,522 posts)blowback.
(10,345 posts)Response to wildeyed (Original post)
iandhr This message was self-deleted by its author.
(11,243 posts)I have a friend who works for them, and plenty here watch, even Democrats. It is a regional thing. I realized I had lived here a long time when I watch for a bit on a restaurant TV and then turned it on when I got home to see how it turned out I am not an actual fan, but I DO really like the pit crews. Go figure....
They have a bunch of corporate sponsorship, too. It is probably that simple.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Their vision goes far beyond inbred rednecks, and they know they aren't going to get there exclusively catering to that segment.
Response to iandhr (Reply #5)
carolinayellowdog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(73,487 posts)Although I'm not a big fan of NASCAR one reason the sport is so big is that from the
drivers, the pit crews, and the people associated w/the sport really really care about
their fans. As per your inbred redneck comment I have a good friend who is gay and
works for a big company that has one of the big names in stock car racing working
for them and the racer, his crew, and others all know that he is gay and doesn't really
follow NASCAR and they all treat him like family.
Response to wildeyed (Original post)
carolinayellowdog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(11,243 posts)I am thinking there will be some indictments, too
Response to wildeyed (Reply #8)
carolinayellowdog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(11,243 posts)More or less. They are the white supremacists, DETERMINED not to share a single thing with POC or urban liberals. But demographically, they are guaranteed to lose soon. They are only doing as well as they are now because they gamed the system with gerrymandering and voter ID. And people are onto them now.
The Fusion Party is also NC history, and I feel like that is on the rebound now.
(37,549 posts)SwankyXomb
(2,030 posts)when NASCAR comes to Charlotte.
(3,163 posts)wildeyed
(11,243 posts)He is a TOTAL dumbass for doing that at a time when NASCAR is trying to be more inclusive. Probably not the smartest career move, ever. But private citizens can do what they want.
(3,163 posts)...for all practical purposes Brainless France is NASCAR.