North Carolina
Related: About this forumFor businesses backing HB2, privacy and religious freedom
Before North Carolinas House Bill 2 passed, Lighthouse Electric owner Judy Hale said she and her husband were considering moving the electrical contracting business from Charlotte to Fort Mill because they opposed Charlottes newly passed nondiscrimination ordinance.
Businesses that support HB2, like the legislators who ushered the measure into law, largely focus on its bathroom provision, which mandates that transgender people use the bathroom of the gender that corresponds with their birth certificate instead of the gender with which they identify, as the Charlotte ordinance would have allowed.
After House Bill 2 passed on March 23, scores of major corporations, performing artists, colleges and religious institutions came out against the measure, which they say discriminates against LGBT individuals.
A smaller but equally passionate smattering of North Carolina businesses have come out in favor of the measure, saying it lets business owners make their own decisions. Many of them appear on KeepNCSafe.orgs list of businesses that support the measure. Over 300 favor it, the group says, though it only gives the names of 68 because of vocal threats and bullying from the LGBT community.
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The issue of bathroom mandates has taken on some importance within my family. My commentary is provided at the link.

(119,309 posts)Anti-HB2 forces have begun lobbing videos online as the next phase of their effort to sway public sentiment against the anti-discrimination law.
One of the most recent focuses on Zeke Christopoulos, a transgender man who lives in Asheville, talking about his concerns over having to use a womens restroom although he looks like a man.
The video will be part of a digital ad buy on Facebook and YouTube and could be used in TV ads, according to Angela Dallara, spokeswoman for Freedom for All Americans, a nationwide LBGT organization. Support for the effort comes from the American Unity Fund, a tax-exempt social welfare non-profit group, and Equality N.C.
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