North Carolina
Related: About this forum"My brother received this Apparent vote rigging in North Carolina"
Crossposted from 2016 postmortem.
I work for the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. The whole DMV has been in a panic mode ever since the information came out about the missing voter registrations. I believe I know why because yesterday I uncovered evidence that people in the office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles in Raleigh caused the voter registration failures in just specific locations. It looks like it was not an accident and the person who led the registration failures looks to have been promoted for her work in this mess.
I have reason to fear retaliation if this information were to be linked back to me. I am sending this email to inform you of how this information can be gotten through freedom of information requests. I believe someone needs to get this quickly because already the DMV is ordering faster shredding of certain paper documents since the election.
Here are the details.
Starting back in February of 2016 the drivers license examiners in the DMV offices throughout the Charlotte area began reporting problems with the recording of new voter registrations. People in the primary elections began coming into these offices to complain that they did not get to vote because they were told they were not on the list of voters. I did not put the puzzle together until this information just came out about these missing registrations and suddenly there was so much panic from the Commissioners people this week.
more at link...!topic/electionintegrity/uZJTpCYIVis

(26,071 posts)the Repugs are taking cover and deflecting their stealing of this election by using the Russian hacking.
I'm not saying that the Russian hacking wasn't a factor - but I think the main reason Hillary lost was Repug using voter suppression and stealing enough votes in critical states like Wisconsin, Michigan & Pennsylvania.
KKKarl Rove was very quiet during this election - I can't help but think KKKarl worked behind the scenes to steal votes.
(138,752 posts)(at least.) That piece of crap (and cheney) are responsible for the demise of the U.S., imo.
(109 posts)Beth Clarkson here in Wichita Kansas set up her own exit polling in several locations in central and SE Kansas specifically designed to detect evidence of election fraud. And she found it in spades. As she says, "I had major concerns with the accuracy of our voting machines based on my previous analyses, which is why these exit polls were run. The results confirm those suspicions."
(The) "exit poll results clearly point to manipulation of the machine counts of our votes. These are not random errors. There is no other reasonable explanation for large and consistent errors in favor (or against) particular candidates in this situation."
In another place: "The p-values clearly confirm the initial impression generated by" (the data): "voting machine election fraud occurred in four of the five polling locations shifting votes from Clinton to Trump."
She points out that the amount of the shift was unlikely to have contributed to Trump's win because of the size of his win, but what happened she feels can be described only as "election fraud."
The site below is her full report on the results of her exit polling and her statistical analysis of the voting. She is happy for anybody who wants to publish the results to do so. I would add that the more people who know about the degree of certainty of her results, the more chance there will be that others will be inspired to publish them as well and perhaps inspire others to demand that every vote be both capable of being VERIFIED, but BE VERIFIED for every election or contest. It is becoming more and more clear that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A DEMOCRACY WHEN THE VOTE IS COUNTED IN TOTAL SECRECY BY PRIVATE CORPORATIONS. This means that THE VOTE MUST BE VERIFIED. In the end, she thinks that the only way to be sure that the vote tally is not fraudulent is to use HAND-COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS. If machines are used, there must be random and adequate audits done for each race and if the audit shows, as Beth's exit polling and statistical analyses show, that the results are highly questionable, the THE WHOLE CONTEST MUST BE RECOUNTED. USING HUMAN HANDS AND HUMAN EYES.
(26,795 posts)It's voter suppression. Time to get loud. Thanks for the post, stevepal.