Durham's Public Housing Is Aging and Deteriorating. Is Partnering with Private Investors the Answer?
"When you open your door and you look outside, do you like what you see?"
This is how Tameika Richardson gets to know her neighbors in the Cornwallis Road public housing neighborhood in Durham. Richardson moved in about a year ago and began working as a community organizer with Durham for All, a group that advocates for bottom-up governance.
To learn about her neighbors' needs, she goes from apartment to apartment asking this question.
So far, no one has said yes.
"A lot of people say no, they don't. Some people just feel like nothing's going to change, so there's no point in going out to vote or going out to any kind of meetings," she says. "They feel like Durham's been like this, and these projects have been like this, for so long you just get used to it."
Read more: https://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/durhams-public-housing-is-aging-and-deteriorating-is-partnering-with-private-investors-the-answer/Content?oid=10109977