Gov. Doug Burgum signs North Dakota property rights and electronic posting law
BISMARCK, N.D. — After decades of trying to find common ground between landowners and hunters, North Dakota has updated criminal trespassing and hunting access laws.
Gov. Doug Burgum on Wednesday, April 28, signed Senate Bill 2144, which removes ambiguity in state law related to who can enter land enclosed with well-maintained fences and allows for either electronic or physical posting of land for no trespassing.
Burgum said the new law makes North Dakota the first state in the nation to allow electronic posting of private land.
The law takes effect Aug. 1, 2021.
Under North Dakota law, all land has been considered open to entry for any purpose unless it properly posted for no trespassing. Landowners, including many in agriculture, have tried for years to get the law changed to make all land considered closed without permission. Posting land is time consuming and labor intensive for many landowners, and conflicts with hunters who disregard signs has been a common complaint.
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