Related: About this forumEd Fitzgerald, Dem. candidate for Ohio governor, swiftboated by Republican Governors Assoc.
According to Cleveland.com and Cincinnati.com, a police report was filed at 4:26a.m. Oct. 12, 2013 by the Westlake (OH) Police Dept. in response to a phone call re "an occupied Ford focus (sic) parked in the lot for the past half hour."
According to the report, the occupants were Fitzgerald and " a friend" "just talking". The friend was Joanne Grehan, who was part of visiting trade delegation from County Mayo, Ireland.
Fitzgerald and his wife Shannon have decried the "personal attacks being levied against our family". "There was absolutely nothing - nothing- inappropriate going on," Fitzgerald told a media group. The couple has been married 23 years and have four children. Fitzgerald is a former FBI agent.
The Ohio Fraternal Order of Police have endorsed Fitzgerald for Governor, and Ohio FOP President McDonald appeared with Fitzgerald today.
The request for this police report has been attributed to the Republican Governors Association.
(Isn't Chris Christie the current chairman of the RGA?)

(2,577 posts)It's sickening. The really sad thing is polls show slimy Kasich 10 points ahead of Fitzgerald.
(2,157 posts)Just for one maybe two days at the most, they didn't seem to interested in the story. Hopefully they saw through it as what it was nothing but an attempt to smear Mr. Fitzgerald's reputation because Governor Kasich has no real accomplishments to run on.
Either way I am frustrated with the BS lies and over exaggerations by out of state Republican funded ads, and it isn't even October yet. Lets hope Ohio Democrats have an 'October Surprise' because if Republicans are running with this in early August what bullshit will they spread come the Fall as the election becomes near...
We need a huge Democratic turnout not only here in Ohio but all across the country, but we also need so badly to rid this state of John Kasich as Governor!
(2,012 posts)The Democratic Party is ignoring Ohio to its own peril. If Kasich and Husted are win/steal this election then they will simply hand Ohio to the GOP in 2016. Kasich is delusional if he thinks he will win the GOP nomination for POTUS in 2016, but his owners keep him in line by promising just that.
Has anyone noticed how physically bad Kasich looks in recent pictures. He must be really hitting the sauce heavy to have aged that much in just 4 years. No one in the media dares to mention that Kasich looks and sounds like a serious drug/alcohol addict.
This latest Rovian dirty trick/right wing propaganda shows how scared the GOP is about Kasich losing this time. If we get the vote out and the Obama administration warns Husted about rigging the polls then sanity has a chance in Ohio.
Ohio needs help and I am afraid we are not going to get it.
(2,157 posts)especially now that the out of state Republicans are throwing some much money into swift-boating Ed Fitzgerald. On the Dayton News (WHIO-TV) they reported twice about Fitzgerald's 'run in with the law while sitting in a parked car with a woman', then their next story was about Ed Fitzgerald failing to pay his 2008, 2009 & 2010 taxes....
All I see here in the Dayton area are BS lies about Fitzgerald in Kasich's new ads. I am yet to see one Ed Fitzgerald commercial and that scares me because this is the Dayton, Ohio area that is generally a solid Democratic area...
I am getting concerned about Fitzgerald's chances though unfortunately...
Now I hear he didn't have a valid driver's license for a number of years. I will pull the lever for just about anyone but Kasich, but Dems won't win with this mess. Did they even vet FitzGerald?
(2,157 posts)or Columbus Mayor Mike Coleman, and ecspecially Ted Strickland all would have been exceptionally qualified and competitive against Kasich....
(2,157 posts)Here in the Dayton Ohio area where we need a strong turnout of Democrats to get rid of Kasich, I have seen several negative campaign ads about Kasich, Not one single Pro Fitzgerald or Anti Kasich ad, the local news seems to be reporting negatively on Fitzgerald while leaving Kasich alone...sad
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)and, as you say, we need ad strong turnout of Democrats, not only for governor, but for all the down ballot candidates, and there are some good ones.
David Pepper vs Mike DeWine - Pepper - or most anyone- would be better than DeWine.
Connie Pillich is another from SW Ohio, who has a good resume, - military veteran, lawyer, mother, etc. I can't recall her opponent, but know that Connie would be better.
I understand that FitzGerald's funds are being diverted to the Democratic slate in general, so, perhaps we won't be hearing many ads.
It's too bad the Dems have a problem attracting top-notch candidates for the top slots in Ohio, for many of their down-ballot candidates are quite good and deserve to win.
Than goodness Richard Cordrey wound up in a good position in the President's administration.
(2,862 posts)It's not that Ohio Democrats don't have better quality people who COULD run. The problem is that they DIDN'T run--and also that the party's leadership was all too willing to settle instead for a relative blank slate in FitzGerald as its standard bearer. Cordray would have been more than a match for Kasich, but he's got that consumer affairs gig in Washington that really belonged to Elizabeth Warren. I understand it is job security, and he may have another window to run in 2018, but Ohio needed someone like him this year to go after Kasich. There was always the risk of running against an incumbent, but Kasich was vulnerable, and the payoff for taking him down would've been huge.
Also, there are several women like former Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner or even frmr. Rep. Betty Sutton who could have destroyed Kasich on his misogyny alone and easily would've won the vast majority of female voters, including many Republicans. All of that has been blown now and Kasich will march to reelection with impunity. All smug and looking better than he ever was.