Related: About this forumKasich speaking at the convention? I got ALOT of uncomfortableness
What are you DUers thinking on this?

50 Shades Of Blue
(11,084 posts)CrispyQ
(39,213 posts)

We are going to put an anti-choice, retired republican on our national stage, during our convention? We have several young, energetic Democrats who deserve that space/time more than Kasich.
(34,775 posts)still_one
(98,038 posts)Convention is the best way to get republicans to vote for Biden
(5,877 posts)We all have a common enemy right now and we all need to join forces to defeat trump. We have seen over the past week how low trump is willing to go, and we still have 4 months to go. I personally welcome every and all republicans who join us to defeat trump. We'll then have 4 years in control to push our ideas and agenda.
At the end of those four years we'll once again be battling Kasich and the Lincoln Project folks in the arena of ideologies. That's the way our country is. We battle each other every four years. Sometimes we win, sometimes they win. If trump manages to stay in power, we just might never have a fair election again, ever.
So I welcome all republicans who see the evil of trump and are willing to join us in defeating him.
(11,185 posts)kimbutgar
(24,480 posts)Democrats should be the only ones speaking at the convention.
(16,463 posts)follow after-the-fact. In simple terms, our tent isn't and should not be that big. I'm sure many here will disagree, but bi-partisanship is what brought us to the edge of the age of tRump. I don't see how it can reverse the trends that helped bring us to that edge.
(39,213 posts)Seems like we've tried this strategy beforereaching across the aisle. It only works with retired repubs. The ones active in Congress will tell our side to fuck the fuck off. They will obstruct Biden every bit as much as they obstructed Obama. We need congressional majorities enough that we don't need to work with the other side. And if we get them, we need to go BOLD and seriously fix some shit that has needed fixing for a long time. OR WE WILL BE BACK HERE AGAIN, GUARANTEED.
(12,176 posts)Are they trying to piss people off??
(34,775 posts)His old CD, the Ohio12th, which is maroon now IMO, the suburbs around Dayton, Cincy, Cleveland and some of those last time Trump voters in Youngstown & NE Ohio.
Run on sentence sorry
(27,461 posts)If he persuades some old school conservatives who are uncomfortable with trump* to cross over on the ticket and vote for Joe, then fine. But he is not to be mistaken for an ally.
(34,775 posts)crimycarny
(1,722 posts)Our nation is exhausted from the CONSTANT division. Any hope for a return to some sort of civility will be grasped onto like a lifeboat. Dont over think this. The Biden campaign is pretty savvy and Im sure Obama is giving his feedback on this sort of thing as well.
I know Dems tend to be a neurotic bunch (at least I know I am), but my advice is to avoid getting pulled into constant what if-s as that only drains critical energy were going to need to win this battle.
(3,818 posts)the aisle time after time and it taught everyone in the US is bipartisanship = capitulation to Party of Putin. We bring goodwill and hold our hands out in friendship, we get spat upon and called commies, socialists and whatever the keyword of the day is. We've been here before and lost, big, on all fronts and look at what it has brought us.
No, just no. It's actions like this that turn off good would be Democrats.
(1,722 posts)Not hand wringing about something I have little control over.
Besides, Americans seem to have the attention span of a gnat so will it really matter anyway?
I just dont buy into the everyone else is our enemy BS. Im a solid Dem and I hope we get a super majority in 2020. That being said I dont believe in one party having a long term domination of power. Power corrupts. So Id prefer to have the GOP become more moderateshades of Eisenhower and for true decency and compromise to enter our politics again.
(7,004 posts)Democratic party. He is part of the problem, not part of the solution! He helped ruin his party with their right wing no compromise politics, if the Democratic party allows him on their stage, they've allowed the Democratic party the false equivalency and one party system narrative.
Don't do it!
Don't sink to their level, if they don't like their party then fix it now, not through ours.