Related: About this forumOne of the r county commissioner's public statements about local gas prices
One of my friends posted it on facebook. Unbelievably, the statement got all likes. I think this statement shines a light on the convolutions of r thinking. Gas prices in are area are among the highest in the state, but this guy thinks driving 20 miles north to get gas almost $1 per gallon cheaper is 'consumer choice' and if people buy gas locally, they are encouraging the gas stations to keep the price high. It is ridiculous that Marietta gas stations are keeping the price high. We have working poor, elderly and disabled people who can't drive 20 miles to fill up their tanks. I voted against this ass and I'll keep voting agaonst him.
The following is the full public statement I gave on local gas prices on 8/4/22:
In response to numerous phone calls and social media inquiries, I want to say a couple things about local fuel costs.
Anyone who has traveled outside the immediate area the past three weeks knows that Marietta gas prices are significantly higher than just about any other community in our area. Over the course of the past three weeks I have filled my tank no fewer than four times in Caldwell.
Why Caldwell? Because each time I have filled-up, there has been an .80 - .90 discount per gallon on what I would have paid in Marietta.
As you all know, Caldwell is just 20 miles up the road and no harder for the fuel resupply trucks to reach than our own community. I am certainly not an expert on the petroleum market, but I am a consumer, and I am tired of paying gas prices that are 25%-30% higher than in the neighboring community.
I mean this in all seriousness, if there is a gas station owner out there who can offer a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy, I am ready to listen.
Understand, I am NOT someone who favors government regulation of price. I am a die-hard believer in the free market. I believe sellers are well within their rights to charge the highest price the market will bear.
Ive heard others characterize our local gas prices as price gouging. I disagree with that characterization for two reasons. First, its only price gouging if the consumer has no choice. We have a choice
.we can shop outside the community. Second, throwing up our hands and declaring it gouging removes responsibility from the consumer to seek the best deal they can find.
Ive had several people contact me asking that local government do something about high prices. Not only is that beyond our authority as local officials, it would also represent an abdication on the part of the individual to choose for themselves where they buy fuel.
If enough consumers begin to change their behavior and buy their gas outside the immediate area, prices will fall. Prices respond to supply and demand. If we increase supply something not likely under the Biden administration prices will fall. If we reduce local demand something within our power as consumers prices will fall.
Finally, people may ask, if I lack the authority as a government official to do anything about price, why am I speaking out?
Well, this is a case of the free market meeting free speech. As a consumer, I have the ability, as all Americans do, to voice my displeasure with something happening in our local economy
.and unless someone offers a reasonable explanation I intend to keep speaking out about the remarkably high local gas prices.

(991 posts)Marthe48
(20,232 posts)I don't drive unless I have to. I was out yesterday, and after watching my grandkids, ran all my errands. If I'm lucky, I don't have to go out more than 3 times a week. I've done this for years, don't like it, but aside from the price, the planet needs all the help it can get :/
But I'm sick of politicians who let their beliefs determine how they vote. When something is hurting their constituents, they are supposed to be helpful. This guy is not. He is backhandedly supporting the local price gougers.
Not going off on you, agree 100%
(991 posts)From the oil companies
(20,232 posts)There is oil production here, so I wouldn't be surprised if he gets donations from that source.
(35,082 posts)They don't make the money at the pump, they make it selling crap inside like pop and roller dogs. Just get everyone to stop going inside until they match the prices in the nearby towns. Won't take long. Put a LTE in the local paper and let them know that is what is going to happen.
(20,232 posts)Thanks!
(594 posts)always busy. And yes, there is a mini-mart attached, and it is always packed.
(20,232 posts)3.46/9 in Cambridge. At one time, Cambridge had the largest interstate cloverleaf in the world. I 70 and I 77 intersect there.
Gas is $4.16/9 in Vienna, WV, which is well away from I 77.
Marietta, Ohio has the last exit in Ohio off I77. I imagine the gouging is meant for travelers, but the gas station owners are gouging their local customers, probably more because we live here.