Related: About this forumAnother Black man is shot by Columbus Police
Title-Protesters gather outside Columbus police headquarters, call for more reforms
snip-"The protest comes a little over a week after the police shooting of Michael Cleveland. Officer body camera footage shows officers briefly following his pickup truck, then engaging in a short foot chase before shooting him from behind.
Cleveland is expected to survive and police say a gun was recovered at the scene, although it was never pointed at police.
"We understand and have a level of understanding to what is needed currently, so that another person is not shot and killed at the hands of police," said Tammy Fournier-Al Sada with the People's Justice Project. She helped organize Monday's protest.
Al Sada and other protesters are calling for more community policing and quicker investigations into police shootings while officers are on unpaid leave. Al Sada also criticized the formation of a new anti-gang unit.
more at source.

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(15,026 posts)irisblue
(34,775 posts)Source-https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/crime/2023/02/06/columbus-police-to-release-footage-from-sunday-police-shooting/69878410007/
snip-"A Columbus police officer who shot a man in the back Sunday following a traffic stop also shot a teenage male during a traffic stop in August, police revealed Monday.
Officer Joshua Ohlinger, a member of the city Division of Police for five years, has been identified by police officials as the officer who shot 66-year-old Michael L. Cleveland in the back. Columbus police Chief Elaine Bryant said during a press conference Monday that Ohlinger's status at the division is pending a psychiatric evaluation."
" Bryant said Cleveland did not have any outstanding warrants for his arrest, although he had an expired license.". (Bryant is the Chief of Police here in C-bus)
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(34,775 posts)Source-https://www.10tv.com/article/news/investigations/10-investigates/data-on-columbus-police-use-of-force-deadly-shootings-shows-racial-disparity/530-1e098b32-fb80-41e1-a546-4f6a218ae842
September 2022 article
snip-" COLUMBUS, Ohio A 10 Investigates review of more than five years worth of use of force and shooting data involving the Columbus Division of Police shows an overrepresentation and racial disparity exists.
According to data involving fatal police shootings compiled by the Washington Post, the Columbus Division of Police shot 39 people since 2015. Twenty-four of those or 61% - were Black."
Snip-" According to the latest U.S. Census data, the citys Black population is roughly 29%."
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