Related: About this forumlarose: stranger to ethics
I'm glad I learned about Capitol Journal. Lots of reporting from Columbus, Ohio. According to the story at the link, larose might be using the office tax money pays for things unrelated to the job he was elected to do:
so many p.o.s. so many venal snouts at the trough

OAITW r.2.0
(29,567 posts)A reliable (?) Republican State....what have you got from Republican policies?
The rwnj jobs in Ohio (my state) like to pollute any facebook pages about Ohio and Ohio counties with their rwnj opinions. Those voters seem to like living with one hand tied behind their back economically, and mouth off about Democratic programs that offer a hand up.
(12,664 posts)Many of us here are fighting tooth and nail!
Democrats need to speak out about everything these pricks do. They have no shame but non the less it proves we know and are taking notes!
(20,232 posts)I'm trying to remember to check Ohio sources and post anything that is noteworthy