ICE Contractor Posted Bail for Proud Boy Jailed in Portland for Assault
A contractor for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is under investigation by his employer for posting bail in March to free a member of the right-wing men's fraternity the Proud Boys from the Multnomah County Jail.
The Proud Boy is Donovan Flippo. He was indicted Feb. 27 and booked into the Multnomah County jail March 12 on felony assault and misdemeanor assault charges for allegedly attacking a man on a Portland sidewalk last June. Hours after Flippo, 23, was transferred from a jail in Vancouver, Wash., to the Multnomah County Jail, a man from Washington state paid the $750 bail.
Court records show that man was Nicholas Carefelle, 37, who works for a private prison and immigration detention contractor called the GEO Group.
WW attempted to contact Carefelle directly and through his friends, his attorney and his employer. Carefelle did not return multiple calls, emails and texts asking for comment on this story.
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