Rhode Island
Related: About this forumNew Law Requires Civics Proficiency In Rhode Island High Schools.
Starting with the graduating class of 2023, students must show they understand how their government works.
PROVIDENCE, RI Rhode Island high schoolers will be required to learn civics under new legislation just signed into law by Gov. Dan McKee. Stating with the graduation class of 2023, students will be required to have an understanding of the principles of democracy, how government works and the rights and duties of engaged citizens.
(29,537 posts)yonder
(10,024 posts)Government over reach, loss of freedom, etc.
Edit: here to hear. duh.
(137,762 posts)(Thinking of taking some vacay in R.I. in a few months.)
(1,879 posts)Then claim discrimination.
(137,762 posts)what's prohibited (legally) is INVIDIOUS discrimination. WE discriminate properly EVERY DAY, OFTEN! (I 'discriminate,' always, for example, against chocolate ice cream.)
(85,070 posts)Should be in all 50 states.
(137,762 posts)similar to NYS's 'Regent' exams.
(23,253 posts)The American people need to understand how their governments work. Without that knowledge, too many people are led to believe stupid shit that fools like Mike Lindell spout.
For example, Lindell claims that the Supreme Court is going to hear evidence that the 2020 election was rigged and then re-instate Trump as president.
There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that would support such a change of government. And the Supreme Court does not hear cases unless they've gone through lower courts first. They rule on constitutionality and resolve conflicts between different laws.
Anyone who's has studied U.S. civics would know this and Lindell would be shut up.
Unfortunately, the so-called red states will never have mandatory civics classes. The Republicans leaders in those states want their people uneducated because they're easier to manipulate.
(85,070 posts)Just give em bread and circuses.
(94,762 posts)Tadpole Raisin
(1,561 posts)Who said after she retired that we would rue the day that civics was no longer taught in schools?
I had to stop and think about it but she was right.
(137,762 posts)Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor on the importance of civics education
(25,183 posts)teaching it in schools. 50+ years ago, my junior high required it in 8th grade and my senior high required it in 12th grade.
(12,612 posts)Six years ago when it decided you couldnt discriminate against gays when it comes to housing. I still dont feel owed either.
(38,064 posts)The whole point was the "C"s -- comparing Communism vs Democracy (though they may have said Capitalism, which is confusing a political system with an economic one). Once the USSR collapsed, a lot of people didn't see the need anymore, so they quit teaching about our Democracy, as well as Communism. Kind of a logical non sequitur.
Or in simpler language, they threw out the baby with the bathwater.
(52,530 posts)Just a little Civics goes a long way. My 1st graders loved our classroom's Civics lessons which were incorporated into our class routines....like voting the way adults do.
(137,762 posts)'Stating with the graduation class of 2023, students will be required to have an understanding of the principles of democracy, how government works and the rights and duties of engaged citizens.'
so this should mean the ENTIRE curricula = ALL students 'will be required to have an understanding of the principles of democracy' upon high school graduation, a complete re-do.
(13,784 posts)Start with John Peter Zenger and go on from there.