Nobody Wants to Leave It to Beavers
Most anonymous emails that get passed around political circles are circulated because they're so dumb, you can't help but laugh at them. However, the newest one making the rounds at Legislative Plaza is both hilarious and very, very clever.
The entire essay is, basically, a subtweet of state Sen. Mae Beavers, who is now running for governor. The more you know about Beavers (and the more you know about legislative gossip), the funnier it is. There are digs at her legislation, at her private security force even at her new white Lexus.
So far, no one has confessed to penning the missive, but rumor is that a Republican Senate staffer wrote it. (It was not a Democratic one, because they didn't know about it until we asked.) And it is fellow Republican legislators who are sharing this and laughing, because they know all about working with Beavers over the years.
Thus, for your reading pleasure, we present the essay in its entirety. (We left grammar and style errors in the essay as is.) And if you know who wrote it, please let us know we won't tell Beavers, but we will privately thank them!
How to be The Ultraconservative Candidate ...
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