Senator Marsha Blackburn Murders Police Officer

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha...
In an act of cold-blooded not giving a shit, Senator Marsha Blackburn created a fictional Memphis police officer then murdered him in a press release. She was responding to a tragic, true-life event that climaxed with the death of an African-American male following a confrontation with U.S. Marshals.
"My prayers are with the family of the fallen officer," Blackburn wrote, expressing her shared grief with the imaginary wife and children of a true fake hero.
We cant let the fact that Blackburns police officer is a complete fabrication and probably a fantasy expression of her thinly veiled racism obscure the fact that she also killed the man, says the University of Midtowns frequently cited Crypto-criminologist Roger Datt.
While some observers have suggested that Senator Blackburn is an evil genius posing as a simpleton, Datt thinks this description misses the point. What she is is a murderer, he says. Sure, she retracted her original statements. But what good did that do? The bad information was already circulating, and a fictional officer was already dead.

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