Shelby County Democrats to Revive
Mary Mancini of Nashville, who in late January won reelection as Tennessee Democratic Party chair at a meeting of the state party's executive committee, has, as one of her first priorities, launched an effort to recreate the defunct Shelby County Democratic Party.
Mancini has contacted 13 local Democrats and asked them to serve as an ad hoc committee for the purpose of reforming the Shelby County party. Members of this core group will next agree amongst themselves on a date for an organizational meeting, either late this month or sometime in March.
A series of subsequent public meetings will then be scheduled to allow input from prospective new Democratic Party members, and out of those subsequent meetings a new party machinery will be formed.
When the process is completed at some point down the line, presumably in the spring or early summer, the Shelby County Democratic Party, complete with new officers to be elected during the course of those several public meetings, will be a reality again for the first time since August, when Mancini, backed by the state party committee, formally decertified the local party.
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