Related: About this forumCorrupt Texas Republicans Are Nothing New
Who owns Greg Abbott? Decades of money trails and political favors created the monster we all now know.
Considering the current state of Texas politics, when you see the most corrupt person in Texas government, your mind likely jumps straight to Ken Paxton. While Paxton is corrupt beyond belief, one man has overshadowed Paxton in both the dollars and in the amount of time hes been able to stay in office unchecked. That man is Gregory Wayne Abbott.
The great Molly Ivans once said, In Texas, we do not hold high expectations for the governors office; its mostly been occupied by crooks, dorks, and the comatose.
Governor Greg Abbott has spent a lifetime taking money from wealthy donors and using his office to take actions that would seemingly benefit his donors. Of course, we dont typically punish Conservatives who take money for political favors in Texas. We look the other way, or at least we have a history of doing so. If the Senate convicts Ken Paxton, he may be the first Republican in Texas history held accountable for selling political favors. Perhaps thats why the right is so outraged at his impeachment.
Texas Conservatives are corrupt. Thats how it always has been. We just silently agree as a collective to look the other way.

(8,920 posts)Our local Rep and a State Senator introduced a bill this legislative session (only every two years) to mitigate wells impacted by non-exempt water pumping. The water level of our wells are dropping because the State authorized a for-profit corporation to drill a lot of wells and pipe the water to development along the I-35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio. If people refuse to allow the pipeline on their property the State allows the use of eminent domain to acquire the property.
So the bill allowed for a small amount of money (based on the water usage) by the Water Corp. to help the landowners to drill deeper as the water table falls. When this is fully functional they will be pumping 10-25 million gallons per day.
So the bill is passed by the House and the Senate and sent to the Governor for his signature - he vetoed it yesterday. When asked for an explanation = no comment.
I can tell you why - Texas is probably the most business friendly State in the US. State government is owned by the fossil fuel and other business interest and they don't give a flying fuck about the citizens of Texas - why would they? They get re-elected year after year.
Texas sucks in so many ways but I am stuck because of family obligations. I would move in a NY minute if it were possible. It hasn't always been this way but since the election of George W Bush (30 years) out State government get worse and worse.
Don't get me going about how much I despise Texas Government. ☮