TX Republicans Plan To Drain $6.5 Billion More On Border Hysteria Despite Trump
Texas taxpayers face another GOP border splurge despite Trump's immigration actions.
For the last four years, weve listened to Republicans cry about the so-called border crisis. They made a mountain of lies, and depending on what channel you turned on and on which day, 10 million undocumented immigrants were flowing over the border
20 million
50 million
but Trump was going to fix it all. Right?
Thats what we were told. Trump was going to be re-elected to fix the border.
Since being sworn back in roughly 48 hours ago, Mango Mussolini has shut down the border for asylum seekers, reimposed the harmful Remain in Mexico policy, ordered 1,500 military troops down to the border, and authorized ICE to target courthouses, schools, and churches.
It would seem that whatever perceived threat Republicans see at the Texas border has been neutralized.
So, why are Texas Republicans planning to spend another $6.5 billion of our taxpayer dollars to maintain current border security operations?