The Far-Right Freak Show: Day 10 Of The Texas Lege
Democrats outsmart the right while Tim Dunns minions self-destruct.
Everything seemed to go smoothly for the first House debate until Jared Patterson (R-HD106) called the previous question. Then, it was a complete comedy show.
Calling the previous question means that Patterson got (at least) 25 signatures to allow the House to vote on ending the debate and then going straight to voting on the rules. However, the far right wanted to add to and debate amendments, further limiting Democrats in the legislative process. By calling the previous questions, all of those amendments and debates were dead.
This infuriated them. Representative Mike Schofield (R-HD132) took to the front mic and threatened the rest of the body, saying, If you do this to us, were going to do it to you back.
Yep, the first House floor debate in the 89th Legislative session included threats from one Republican faction to another.