HB129: Lawmaker looks to pass Utah version of "stand your ground" law
Utah lawmaker and BYU graduate Rep. Cory Maloy, R-Lehi, is sponsoring a Utah version of the so-called stand your ground bill in the 2018 Legislature.
HB129 is a proposed bill that would clarify self-defense laws in Utah. If passed the bill would protect resident who acted in self-defense from being questioned in court as to why they didnt retreat.
The main purpose is to make clear the law that you have a right to self-defense and no obligation to retreat if you feel a justified need for self-defense, Maloy said, You do not have to retreat even if there is a safe place to retreat.
Utahns have the right to defend themselves. However, if someone acts in self-defense under the current law a prosecutor can ask why they didnt retreat. This bill would clarify that if a person acts in self-defense they cannot be questioned later why they did not retreat.
Read more: http://universe.byu.edu/2018/01/22/hb129-lawmaker-looks-pass-utah-version-stand-ground-law/