The Gift of the Snow Day | Deborah Goodwin
Mar. 19, 2013 ( -- We heard starting about Saturday that maybe we were in for some snow.
It seemed late. The sap was already running, we were in mud boots, and the car was caked in the stuff. Mostly the snow was gone, certainly along the roadsides the leftover plowed piles were looking dirty and sparse. I was sure that I had flicked work for the last time to go skiing on a weekday. It was time to buck up, do the taxes and the spring cleaning.
Then came the gift from above! SNOW DAY!!!!!
Now, weather is very important here in Vermont. You have to be prepared for storms -- no sh** -- you can get stranded, snowed in, for a day or two at least. Back in the day, you would be stuck up here after the first big snow for the whole season. You wouldn't go anywhere really for the whole winter, certainly not up to Killington for a few runs. (It's so very hard to imagine what they did with themselves, all winter long, besides chopping more wood.)
Anyway, we were following our favorite WeatherApps and checking the school-closing sites every hour, so we knew it was looking good. (of course OUR school was the very last to announce, by robo-calling at 5:00 AM just when I was finally dropping off to sleep.) I have to admit, we all were hoping and planning for a very needed Snow Day.