"But the money he will earn might also have something to do with his decision. Walkers past financial disclosure statements show hes not a wealthy man. Going into his 2016 reelection campaign for governor Walker reported a Barclays credit card with a balance of $10,000 to $15,000 at a high interest rate of 27.2 percent; a Bank of America credit card also with debt of $10,000 to $15,000; and federal loans of up to $250,000 to pay for college for his two sons, as Politico reported.
The salary for his current job, as fundraising chairman for the National Republican Redistricting Trust, is not known, but the likely compensation for the job with Young Americas Foundation will be quite lucrative. The groups most recent federal tax form, for 2017, shows that Robinson earned slightly more $1 million a year in total compensation.
The group is very well funded, with total assets of $69.5 million in 2017, and a $23.7 million annual budget, with $5.9 million of that going to salaries and expenses. The group had some $24 million in investments, which earned $2.7 million in investment income in 2017.
The intended use of the endowment funds, the group notes on its tax form, is to support its program activities, including the Reagan Ranch, National Journalism Center and national conservative student programs and seminars.
Young Americas Foundation calls itself the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement. Founded in 1977, it merged in 2011 with Young Americans for Freedom, a group launched in 1960 by conservative icon, William F. Buckley. The group has been active in battles over speech at universities and in sending conservative speakers to college campuses."
~ Urban Milwaukee ~
Bold emphasis added by me