Related: About this forum"It's Time": 40 years on
Today, November 13th, is the 40th anniversary of Gough Whitlam's "It's Time" speech. Sadly, the full speech doesn't appear to be available anywhere, but here is a link to the opening paragraphs:
Those were the days!
(36,164 posts)The sideburns! The polo-neck! Some of those faces in that clip look familiar, and Mr polo-neck is Joe Hallam? (who I think was in No.96 which my parents never let us watch when we were little), so I'm guessing it's a mix of entertainers and sports people...
While I was timewarping on Youtube, I found this clip someone did while they were driving round Sydney in 1969. My parents moved from Sydney to Canberra the year after that. It looks so different than it does now, and I wish the traffic were going to be that light when I do the day trip to Paddy's Market next weekend...
(6,384 posts)Not sure if it's Joe Hasham in the polo neck, or Col Joye? We don't get a good closeup. Lots of other familiar faces, but can't recall all the names. But there was Bert Newtown and Bobby Limb (best thing he ever did, IMO), Jimmy Hannan, I think, and Judy Stone.
My enduring memory is the way Gough addressed us as "men and women of Australia" - it had such a ring to it, instead of the staid old "ladies and gentlemen". That's what sticks in my mind when I recall 1972; that and "It's Time".
(36,164 posts)And Jimmy Hannan is the guy who looks just like Willy Wonka. I don't remember what stupid games show he did, but he must have left an enduring impression for me to put the name to a face.
That ad was a fair bit before my first real memory of political thingys (and that memory was my parents having a massive fight with my best friend's parents in the mid-70's after I was sent home from my friends place to recite 'Golden Gough, Cough Cough' at my parents.). Once I got past the 'OMG! How retro!' when it came to the 'It's Time' clip, there's something really uplifting and inspirational about it even now that I haven't seen since I was old enough to vote...
(79 posts)I think that both parties could learn alot from back in those days....The truth be known I think that the Libs should think that 'its time' to stop living in the past and think about the election this time in 2013.
There is a copy of the full speech on the web site of 'its time' under wikipedia
Gee they were the great days of Australian politics....havent we gone down hill badly since then,especially after 14 years of 'NOTHING' under the Howard Government