Researchers set up permafrost thaw alert system on major highway connecting Yukon and Alaska
A metal rod stands tall at kilometre 1,456 on the Alaska Highway, as land near the highway continues to slowly collapse from permafrost thaw.
It's the first device of a new alarm system that will tell Yukon's Department of Highways and Public Works when the road is under threat from further destruction caused by thawing.
Permafrost is any ground that is completely frozen for at least two consecutive years. In the Yukon, that means there is a thick layer of ice underneath the ground's surface.
At this spot 30 kilometres north of Whitehorse, known as the Takhini Slump to Calmels and his team, permafrost is thawing at faster rates than ever before. The ground appears to be collapsing in spots, with some trees slumped over or knocked down.
I have traveled the Alaska Highway many times, this is important news re that Highway given so much of it does lie on top of permafrost.