If I was getting my A level, Degree or Masters results right now I would be so screwed.
Looking at the guidelines that came out today in the UK re how students are going to be awarded their final grades made me feel so sorry for a whole load of kids who would have kicked arse in the final exams but if you score them out of course work, class participation and mock exams they come out at nil point. Through the history of my life of getting the certificates I needed to do well, I used my knowledge sucking brain to great advantage for a month before any exams. Suck in huge amount of knowledge and then spew it out over a fortnight to ensure I got the right result. Never a fan of classrooms and tutorials, this was my method for both my law degree and my MBA. With this new method of grading I would be a bid fat F for fail. My history teacher, when I was doing A levels, who laughed like a drain when I pulled of an A having not really paid attention in class, would have loved being able to give me my final grade! It would not have been an A (shocker).
I feel so sorry for the kids this year. It really is horrid for them.