Not so long ago, in the before times...]
Not so long ago, in the before times, any politician of any political stripe - would have felt compelled to resign over just one of the outrages, deceptions and deficiencies Johnson has inflicted on the UK. But hey he got Brexit done, so
Every single time they put someone up to try and gaslight and deflect from party gate, the stich up between the Sue Gray Report and Cressidas current investigation, they demonstrate to the nation that the Tory Party 2022 think that ethics and integrity are for the little people, certainly not for them. Truss doing the rounds today on the politics shows did not fail to disappoint... And of course, the cherry on the icing on the cake is the bullshit Brexit bollocks as they try to justify protecting him, with the claim that his utter lack of probity was 'priced in' by voters in 2019 and ergo he has an electoral mandate to behave the way he does. Gotta tell you I think they are in for a shock. They gave him a mandate to do whatever needed to be done, break any rules he wanted to get Brexit done. The rest of it, I can not see the red wall being in a forgiving mood - and when your whole life becomes one long meme how much credibility can you claim to have at home or internationally? Of course the right wing press today are claiming that Boris has got through the worst of it. Not a bit of it. One has to ask how much longer can he cling on? I am going for after the expected drubbing the Tories will get in the May elections. After that the Shires be like...