Election Reform
Related: About this forumPA independents denied primary voting (petition)
Join our next Philadelphia area meeting of PA Independents
Sunday April 19th
2:00 pm
121 Lombard Street, Philadelphia
Our meetings are friendly, welcoming forums for discussion, education, updates, and to develop/carry out strategies to strengthen the power and unity of independents.
Let us know if you plan on attending. Email us at IndependentPA@gmail.com or call 215-957-5073
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x p Penna

(14,449 posts)That is one of the things they remind voters of when they switch major parties to Independents.
(505 posts)If one is "unaffiliated" one has not committed to any party. The primaries are for the members of the parties to choose their representatives. If you are unaffiliated they you don't have a party.
Whenever I hear of "independents" voting in primaries, I think of Limbaugh telling people to mess with democratic primaries to get a weaker candidate on the ticket.
If you want to participate in the primary then choose a party!
(I understand that each state does things differently.)
Is there a party called "independent" in any state?
(5,829 posts)POINT
Political Parties are able to wield considerable power, controlling their party members and representatives, particularly in Parliamentary political systems. Through use of patronage and the threat of sanctions such as deselection, party leaders are able to manipulate representatives to fulfil their own aims rather than those of constituents.[1]
By instituting Open Primaries, the focus of representatives shifts from the party leadership to the constituents whom prospective candidates hope to represent. Scrutiny over the representatives conduct would be in the hands of the voters, with reselection in an Open Primary being contingent upon the member looking after the interests of their constituents, rather than the interest of the party as is the case in many countries that do not have Open Primary systems.[2] By using Open Primaries, elections once again becomes about representing the people as opposed to being a means to power as is the case under the status quo in countries that do not use it.
[1] Stone, Daniel, Prop 14s Winners and Losers, Newsweek, 8 June 2010, http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2010/06/09/prop-14-s-winners-and-losers.html
[2] Triggs, Matthew, Open primaries, Adam Smith Institute, 16 September 2010, http://www.adamsmith.org/blog/politics-and-government/open-primaries
Open primaries allow the electorate to express nuanced polling choices
Open Primaries allows for the electorate to make a considered choice between candidate and party, with other considerations beyond the partisan being up for consideration.
In safe districts, voters are given a choice between members of the same party, allowing for voters to effectively choose the next member based upon past record and views on big issues, allowing for the ideological cleavages within parties to brought under closer examination, with voters in the safe seat choosing the type of Conservatism/Liberalism/Socialism they prefer.[1]
This can help to provide choice even when one party is already assured of winning the seat, thus providing a degree of competition in the district, engaging voters in the electoral process.
[1] Skelton, George, California open primaries? Give them a chance, Los Angeles Times, 11 February 2010, http://articles.latimes.com/2010/feb/11/local/la-me-cap11-2010feb11
These are 2 points from a pro-con site. The counterpoints were not strong enough to convince me. Only 2 parties control all levels of our gov't. These are increasingly polarized so that moderate voices, and officials who are more willing to compromise are locked out.
In the general election, a large percentage is forced to choose between candidates for whom they had no voice in selecting. If we are to truly be democratic, why should only powerful party machines be allowed to rule the process of choosing those whom will govern all?
This House believes that open primaries are the most effective method of selecting candidates for elections | idebate.org
(4,482 posts)Panich52
(5,829 posts)PADemD
(4,482 posts)Actually, more than 40 per cent of the electorate do not get to decide who runs in the general election. Because of the way the state primaries are scheduled, very seldom do the citizens of Pennsylvania have a choice of who represents their party because many candidates drop out after losing in the early primaries.
Why would I want someone who dislikes the Democratic Party to decide who represents my party?