Looking for a good KDE Debian Testing Distro? SolydK 64 or 32 might be the answer
I found a new Distro SolydK a Debian Testing based KDE Distro also listed as an (Unofficial LMDE KDE) there is another version SolydL LXDE edition. My main computer is used for very important tasks like on line banking etc, so when I use it the OS needs to work and have installed what I need to get the job done. I have no tolerence for having update breakage or items that don't install correctly making me spend more time fixing the problem than getting my work done. So far SolydK 64 is filling my requirement,
I have a a custom Intel Core 2 duo computer and my hardware seems to give Ubuntu based OS's problems. I need Skype and Wine with Playonlinux to work. On my computer playonlinux or Wine had trouble with Office 2007 either not installing correctly or installing correctly and later not working.
Debian stable was too old, with other Debian testing, Ach and Gentoo types they would be very promising then have a broken update that would take a lot of time to correct. Not what you want when you need to get work done! I loved Saybayon it seemed to work fine until I installed Skype I could not get the sound to work an update broke Pulseaudio and it was not an easy fix.
So far using SolydK, Playonlinux was pre-installed and works great got Office 2007 up an working no hassle. up to date version of Skype with audio and video is up and working. SolydK is called a semi rolling release because they release updates once a month so they can be checked to be sure there are no quirks. The system seems to be working. Its worth a try if you want a stable Debian Testing OS. If you like it let people know this OS is trying to get established.