Shore up the Banks
Trump relaxed some of the Dodd Frank Bill which was a positive step in restoring the US banking system.
Banks need to protect investors money!
Depending on their size there is a certain percentage in liquidity they need to hold.
Banks hold the peoples (depositors) money, but they also can spur economic growth with an ingrediate a good economist
might call, providing prudent loans, say an affordable house to you or me, or a small business in a space that makes sense,
but only as long as they hold a certain amount of liquidity.
The Financial System as a whole in the US, and globally is kind of crazy.
Ross Perot was, well can I get a word in edgewise.
The IMF, a lot of things are less than clear purposely.
We do need A New Deal for all countries. Easier said than done, but we need to push that aime.
I like Biden's Economic Team on that score.
But we have to do away with some of the international intellectual property bull.
The Asian Pacific Trade Agreement was laced with intellectual property rights
- question is whose intellectual property rights?
It protects multi-national corporations - keep in minds these are corps that buy patent rights
up the wazoo. They take up residence where-ever there is cheap labor, and then, the IMF
steps in to assist with the expoitation to assist with the profits for the few, while at the same
time creating hostility between the small people in all nations, as well as creating a huge waste in efficiency
in finite resources.
Shore up the Banks
And Oh, I know the Right calls that Woke Capitalism
Well hell yes it is, fucking finally!