Barack Obama
Related: About this forumJust SAY IT, Charles Blow
******************THIS is Posted in the Barack Obama Group********************In many ways, Charles Blow nailed it it his column titled: Bigger Than Immigration.
Dont let yourself get lost in the weeds. Dont allow yourself to believe that opposition to President Obamas executive actions on immigration is only about that issue, the presidents tactics, or his lack of obsequiousness to his detractors.
This hostility and animosity toward this president is, in fact, larger than this president. This is about systems of power and the power of symbols. Particularly, it is about preserving traditional power and destroying emerging symbols that threaten that power. This president is simply the embodiment of the threat, as far as his detractors are concerned, whether they are willing or able to articulate it as such.
But does anyone else get the feeling like he's trying to say something while walking on egg shells? His message is basically the same one I talked about in: Understanding the Threat of a Confederate Insurgency. But he hides behind words like "systems of power" and "power of symbols" and never gets around to saying anything about what those systems and symbols represent: racism.
Perhaps there's a method to his madness because everyone knows what kind of reaction the use of the "r" word gets these days. But lets be real...we all know exactly what he's talking about.
Posted by Nancy LeTourneau
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Understanding the threat of a confederate insurgency
Doug Muder
After the U.S. forces won on the battlefield in 1865 and shattered the organized Confederate military, the veterans of that shattered army formed a terrorist insurgency that carried on a campaign of fire and assassination throughout the South until President Hayes agreed to withdraw the occupying U. S. troops in 1877. Before and after 1877, the insurgents used lynchings and occasional pitched battles to terrorize those portions of the electorate still loyal to the United States. In this way they took charge of the machinery of state government, and then rewrote the state constitutions to reverse the postwar changes and restore the supremacy of the class that led the Confederate states into war in the first place.
By the time it was all over, the planter aristocrats were back in control, and the three constitutional amendments that supposedly had codified the U.S.As victory over the C.S.A. the 13th, 14th, and 15th had been effectively nullified in every Confederate state. The Civil Rights Acts had been gutted by the Supreme Court, and were all but forgotten by the time similar proposals resurfaced in the 1960s. Blacks were once again forced into hard labor for subsistence wages, denied the right to vote, and denied the equal protection of the laws. Tens of thousands of them were still physically shackled and subject to being whipped, a story historian Douglas Blackmon told in his Pulitzer-winning Slavery By Another Name.
Let that one sink in for a moment, white folks. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it all. That's what happens when it turns out that a story you've been told all your life doesn't really capture what happened. All the links to meaning that have been created by believing the story have to be re-examined as well. That is the path each of us must take if we're ever going to be successful at "undoing racism" in our own lives.
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(16,286 posts)rule near.
(53,661 posts)
(90,335 posts)AA or BOG. I crossed it to AA.
It's a must read in both groups.
Thanks for the pic, freshwest!
(53,661 posts)
(53,661 posts)

There is no way this isn't about Obama.
(54,273 posts)"By the time it was all over, the planter aristocrats were back in control, and the three constitutional amendments that supposedly had codified the U.S.As victory over the C.S.A. the 13th, 14th, and 15th had been effectively nullified in every Confederate state."
In Alabama the 'planter aristocrats' were known as "The Big Mules".
Later it was U.S. Steel and mine owners.
Now The Big Mules are the electric power companies (Southern Co.), insurance companies, banks, and realtors/homebuilders.
There are NO Democrats in state elective offices.
From governor right on down to the lowest pissant office.
Or on the state supreme court (also elected
EVERYBODY ran against Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
We're screwed.
(15,435 posts)Unfortunately too few people have blinders on. I hear it EVERY SINGLE DAY when I try to inform others... most just think that "time" will sort it out. Even more just tell me to stop worrying, there's nothing we can do. They tell me I'm too obsessed and just stress myself and need to "chill!"
INFURIATING! I've tried for so, so very long and I'm so very, very afraid!
(6,151 posts)But please keep on as you are. Yes, the country IS in BIG trouble; but what will happen if we quit fighting for what's right? Things will be even worse. Even if it seems futile at times, your voice is heard and needed.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I miss having close kin, but when I think about so many others having to put up with a crazy Uncle BooBoo all day, I cheer right back up. Being alone is better than wishing I was; besides, it leaves me more time to create as much political mischief as I can.
(15,435 posts)All you've said is true. I've been an activist way, way back when I was a "hippie" so that does date me. I've seen so much happen throughout these many years and believe me I've spoken the same words you just did over and over.
What is different now is that a total lack of interest or even care from too many people. Some, like me who have been in the trenches for so long have become demoralized by so much apathy. Really quite amazing how uninformed people are! When I'm with a group of people and hear them making comments that are ABSOLUTELY not true I've tried to inform them. Easier said than done, it's almost like they've been brain washed. Well, actually that IS what they are and are unwilling to even listen to an alternative point of view. I can suggest places for them to check out certain facts but too many times they aren't interested.
The Repukes have mastered how to communicate with LIES and they have all kinds of options open to them to pass along the lies. Radio, FOX and just Congress Critters who repeat a mantra over and over. If you keep repeating the lies over and over, it IS TRUE that in time it becomes a FACT to far too many people. I'm unable to lie like that and it astounds me that they're so gullible.
This happens more and more and it not only depresses me, it infuriates me too. Deep down I will probably always try to stay active, but it's a lonely road we travel. I'm unable to shut my eyes to such injustice, I've tried to stop what some call my addiction and in reality it is an addiction. I just keep coming back to get smacked up side my head over and over. Still, it's people like us who get hurt the most because I see less people even wanting to stick a toe in the water! I've already decided what I want my children and family to say when it's my time... I told them to tell their kids and grandkids the only thing they need to remember me by is just to say "She Cared!" Kind of sums it up. Not trying to get morbid, don't think I'm going to kick the bucket yet, just passing this along. Of course, accidents do happen but that's why they're called accidents.
Perhaps some will be haunted by me, who knows? I'm fortunate that my kids and close family live close by and we do spend Holidays together. Most of us are like minded so we don't have those dinner time arguments. I always make a point to stop before we eat and have everyone say what they're thankful for. And I am thankful to have both of my children and their children close by. I know so many families are fractured AND then so many have so little, and many are just alone. But, I still can't shake the uneasy feeling I have about where this country is headed. Just have to remember about the Rise & Fall Of The Roman Empire! Be well, take care.