Barack Obama
Related: About this forumHillary is no Obama when it comes to not doing stupid things
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Cha (a host of the Barack Obama group).
In the debate Hillary let slip her real foreign strategy which is first work with dictatorial strongmen when it provides economic benefit for her rich donors. From most accounts, President Obama didn't really want to get involved in Libya. Clinton did, and pushed the president to adopt her view. She was, to be blunt, for regime change there. Likewise in Syria, Clinton was much more in favor of taking down Assad than Obama. And, famously, she voted for war in Iraq. She chose not to "work with the tough men, the dictators," and instead advocated a military solution in each of these cases. Clinton seems to want to have it both ways. "Sometimes you deal with the dictators, and sometimes you use the military to overthrow them" might sum this up, in fact. Or perhaps you could add: "And sometimes you get to promote democracy" to round it out. This is extracted from Huffington Post Article by Chris Weigant.
Do we really want our foreign policy run by someone who would sacrifice our sons and daughters to prop up dictatorships so the oligarchy makes as much money as possible? Go Bernie- who works for us not the oligarchy!

(15,720 posts)The problem with claiming that Bernie is better than Hillary is that he isn't. He's as much a captive of the weapons industry as any other pol. He has the luxury of making a symbolic protest vote now and then but when you get down to brass tacks he's voting for defense budgets right on schedule.
Hillary has the advantage of having had to take the rap for militaristic decisions. She's also worked closely with PBO and I'm betting she'll adopt less interventionist policies once she's in office. Bernie on the other hand is perfectly happy announcing that ISIS must be destroyed which basically means the works without much thought for consequences. No thanks.
(308,408 posts)SleeplessinSoCal
(9,953 posts)So, I feel the effort for the voter has to be looking beyond rhetoric or even congressional votes to basic skills and ability to understand the world and the dictators and who controls them.
Basically a pragmatist. Don't know of anyone more pragmatic than Hillary.
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)to further your Bernie agenda please? I want to have at least one place where I do not have to read about Bernie all the time.
(308,408 posts)can't push their candidate on anyone.. they just think the rules are not for them.
(308,408 posts)President Obama Group to promote your candidate which I have no interest in.
(82,383 posts)Each situation in unique and different. Hillary was NY Senator and felt her constituents wanted her to vote for the IWR. That does not means she's always going to pick war in every situation. It was 2002 and everyone was security minded way beyond what they even are today. Syria is a big huge mess and people will have different opinions on how best to handle it. Are you assuming what Bernie wants to do, because you could be wrong in assuming he is all flowers and peace about it.
And this is the President Obama group, so while you don't seem to bash President Obama, the GDP is the real place for the Bernie anti-Hillary material.
(135,425 posts)It's also not at all accurate! Obama knows how to make a decision, all by himself, after listening to advice from his cabinet and JCS.
(135,425 posts)Obama takes advice from these people, as well as his Joint Chiefs of Staff, but the decisions that are made are HIS, and HIS alone.
It doesn't serve him well--and it is unfair--to paint him as someone who got "pushed around" by SECSTATE Clinton. It also doesn't serve her well and it is equally unfair to her.
It's also rude as hell to do that IN THE OBAMA GROUP. He's not a weakling or a pushover.
Obama's team works as a unit to propose courses of action to him, and he makes the call.
Obama's a big kid--he knows his authority, and his prerogatives.