Barack Obama
Related: About this forum‘Thank you for serving me when I didn’t vote for you’: A Republican writes the president... you for serving me when I didnt vote for you: A Republican writes the president after Obamacare saved his life
Alison Griswold
2 hours ago
The White House on Thursday published a letter that Brent Brown, a Republican from Wisconsin, wrote to president Barack Obama in June.
Brown, who has voted Republican his entire life, wrote that he had been very vocal in his opposition to Obamaespecially on healthcare.
That was before he got treatment for a serious autoimmune disease through the Affordable Care Act.
I am so very sorry, Brown writes. Put simply to not take up too much of your time if you are in fact taking the time to read this: I would not be alive without access to care I received due to your law.
Browns letter was released ahead of Obamas appearance in Milwaukee today to recognize the city for signing up 89,000 people for health coverage through the ACA. The White House also published a more recent message from Brown. Before the Affordable Care Act, I was unable to pay for an incredibly expensive drug that helps to stabilize my condition, Brown wrote. Afterward, I was finally able to receive the quality of care that had eluded me for years.
Read Browns full letter to the president below:
I sincerely hope that this reaches you, as far too often praise is hard to come by. Apologies to people who deserve it perhaps even less so.
I did not vote for you. Either time. I have voted Republican for the entirety of my life.
I proudly wore pins and planted banners displaying my Republican loyalty. I was very vocal in my opposition to youparticularly the ACA.
Before I briefly explain my story allow me to first say this: I am so very sorry. I understand written content cannot convey emotions very wellbut my level of conviction has me in tears as I write this. I was so very wrong. So very very wrong.
You saved my life. I want that to sink into your ears and mind. My President, you saved my life, and I am eternally grateful.
I have a pre-existing condition and so could never purchase health insurance. Only after the ACA came into being could I be covered. Put simply to not take up too much of your time if you are in fact taking the time to read this: I would not be alive without access to care I received due to your law.
So thank you from a dumb young man who thought he knew it all and who said things about you that he now regrets. Thank you for serving me even when I didnt vote for you.
Thank you for being my President.
Honored to have lived under your leadership and guidance,
Brent Nathan Brown

(15,269 posts)W and Cheney DID NOT CARE about the half of the country that did not vote for them. Obama has always tried to be a president of ALL the people.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)CurtEastPoint
(19,345 posts)Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)Progressives advocate for a better society even when they are not the direct recipients of the benefit.
Conservatives only see the light when they're caught, frozen, like a deer in the headlights.
If this guy hadn't felt it in his own flesh, he would still be fighting against Obamacare.
That is exactly what he is saying.
(26,332 posts)Come over to the light, Brent. The scales are falling from your eyes.
(14,400 posts)will be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. The amount of legislation he was able to push through against unbelievable obstruction will resonate for generations.
(82,383 posts)Amazing.
(9,957 posts)You have to start at around 15 minutes in for intro. (Annoying that this wasn't edited C-SPAN).
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)He needs to apologize to all those people who were denied health care for so long because of his obstructionism.
Some of whom died for lack of affordable health care.
Apologize to them; to those who you hurt so much.