Barack Obama
Related: About this forumEight years ago I would've thought it unfathomable to vote Hillary.
My dislike of her after the 2008 primaries was so hot, so real, that even her as Sec. of State didn't help. I did not like her. I could not envision myself EVER voting for her. My feelings of Bill were at their lowest levels, too, after spending most my life growing up idealizing him as president.
In 2008, I hated the Clintons.
I mean, REALLY hated the Clintons.
Yet yesterday, believe it or not, I cast my vote for Hillary. She lost my state, by a lot, but I stood in line for three hours to do that.
It's funny how time changes your feelings. I still am not 100% sold on Hillary, but she's the candidate I feel best represents a third Obama term.
That's what I'm voting for.
I hope she doesn't let me down!

(23,156 posts)Are you really psyched about bombing women and children? About backing off from Single Payer? About compromising Social Security?
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)Have a good night.
Response to Drunken Irishman (Reply #3)
Post removed
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)There are plenty of other DU groups where you can spout bullshit about Pres. Obama.
(23,156 posts)Are Hillary and Obama the same people? Coulda fooled me.
(308,432 posts)Baobab
(4,667 posts)The ideology that ignores people, except as markets.
(308,432 posts)Cha
(308,432 posts)from a Group unless you post in it. I hope that clears it up for you.
(308,432 posts)PM.
(308,432 posts)when you are being totally clueless. Sad really.
(12,739 posts)Cha
(308,432 posts)and Hillary actually are the Progressives here.
And, you're such just repeating Hogwash about them.. it has no basis in reality.
(1,361 posts)have a nice day
(12,739 posts)Baobab
(4,667 posts)To begin the 1000 year Corporation
(308,432 posts)build on his legacy.
BS's big mistake was trying to take down the President. Obama's too successful and popular for BS.
Firebrand Gary
(5,044 posts)It's why the right wing is freaking out about her.
(19,726 posts)I too felt she's the best choice this term and cast a vote for her last week. She has realistic goals and steely resolve. I believe she possesses the unique quality to be firm or diplomatic as the situation requires. Unlike her counterpart for the nomination she doesn't lose her temper and become flustered under pressure.
(308,432 posts)I vote in Hawaii on Saturday the 26th.. so excited.
I voted for Obama in New York in 2008 and Hillary in Hawaii in 2016.. yeah, I learned to love her pretty fast.. even at the convention.
But, the BSrs' still drag my quotes up from 2008 to try and embarrass me like it will make me like BS anymore. Ha! Not a chance in hell.
I've studied on Hillary's real accomplishments .. if one gets passed all the hate and propaganda about her.. she's pretty amazing!
(140 posts)I disagree with you guys. Major contributions to the Clinton foundation for sweetheart weapons deals? I suppose if that's the world you want to live in.... just hope the rest of us don't have to.
(308,432 posts)Response to Cha (Reply #19)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(308,432 posts)into the BS group and disrupt.. I would get Blocked in a New York second. Just like you are.
Those are the rules. Many members follow the rules but there are those who think they're above it all. Then they find out they're not really.
fun n serious
(4,451 posts)I would love a 3rd Obama turn.
(7,688 posts)Whether some of us know it or not. We will not see his like again for a long time, I think.
Grace under Pressure. A steady hand. Soul. Faith. Honesty.
(74,476 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)You have described him very well!
(13,670 posts)Cha
(308,432 posts)or haven't you noticed? LOL
(4,035 posts)Both are being hounded by a groups of unhinged, vitriolic, hating extremists who are motivated by bigotry. For PBO, it was the tea partier racists on the right, and for HRC it's the new teapartiers, the gamergater sexists on the left. Both groups hate so incandescently it's scary, and both demonize their object of hatred. To them, PBO is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist that will take all their guns, and HRC is a murdering liar that will take all their money to give to banks.
It's unfathomable to me that on this website, neither group are summarily banned if they couch their words softly enough (well, in the case of HRC, they don't need to use euphemism, as theyve taken over the jury system, and have no problems saying this vitriol straight out.)
(308,432 posts)those on the left. We've had to put up with their disingenuous bullshite on him for over 7 years. That's why we have the BOG in the first place.. so they can't come in and throw their cheap ignorant pot shots.
That's why I've had to block all of those on this thread..
A few have gotten banned though for pushing trump or not voting for Hillary in the GE. I suspect more will be banned when we do get to the GE.
(4,035 posts)That'll be awesome. It'll give him a chance to be less bipartisan, when he stumps for Hillary. He does that so well.
(308,432 posts)I said so, too.. that the Dem Nominee is going to want to have President Obama campaigning for them and with them..
Hillary has spoken highly of Obama.. BS paid that no heed and he continued to run against both of them, disingenuously.. worst campaign strategy ever.
(4,035 posts)The minority voters. I guess BS isn't interested in getting the minority votes. Other parts of his campaign bears out that claim. However, I wouldn't want to belong to a Dem party where minority voters aren't the biggest factor in making policy. I don't want a Dem party that doesn't care about the issues of women, immigrants, Black people, LGBT people et al. If the only thing I care about is my economic future, I might as well vote Republican. As a white woman nearing menopause, with a well-paying job and assured health care, I am increasingly less at risk for repuke policies personally, and even then war with Iran, the tanking of the economy because of awful economic policies and the increased police state would concern me too.
(308,432 posts)And, to all the millions of us who are all about civil rights and equality for all.. who happen to think of more than just "wall street".
BS had a point about "wall street".. but then he went into over kill when he started demonizing Hillary with it.
And, it's not even working.. hear that, berni? Your negative dumps aren't working.. you can tell by how much money your campaign is spending on ads in states like Arizona and Ohio and you lost.
(90,335 posts)Good job sweetie.
(308,432 posts)I just happened to see DIrish's thread when was here checking out yours.. quite the riveting OP!
brer cat
(26,838 posts)"...both demonize their object of hatred." That is the part I can't get my head around, especially coming from the left.
(4,035 posts)and we don't like many of his tactics, but none of us would deny him his humanity. PBO and HRC are constantly monsterized and otherized and made non-human by their haters. Apparently there's no monopoly on that on the right. The far left has shown itself as racist and sexist as many on the Republican side. As people working for intersectional justice knows, it's not just the right wingers, many ostensibly on our side are prejudiced too.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)7962
(11,841 posts)Sure, she's winning, but other than Trump, she is the most disliked candidate nationally. 60+% negatives cant be all GOP & Bernie supporters.
There arent that many!
(308,432 posts)still_one
(98,038 posts)her campaign in 2008.
I supported President Obama in 2008 and 2012 in both the primaries and general election also.
I think what you expressed encapsulates it best for me. If someone is mostly supportive of the administrations last 8 years, I think Hillary is the obvious choice.
It is the reason I voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and will also be voting for Hillary in 2016. I think both President Obama and Hillary have grown tremendously since 2008, and it is that experience that will best serve the country.
(308,432 posts)and Hillary was a brilliant SOS.
I think they've both learned so much since the beginning when they started on this journey of winning and losing in 2008.
And, now here we all are.. ready to get Hillary elected President in 2016.. I know President Obama wants her to be #45, too.. and that says a lot.
(98,038 posts)sheshe2
(90,335 posts)
Mutual love and respect, Cha.
(30,058 posts)Issue but I have enjoyed his handling of tough situations. He had confidence in Hillary and they worked well together, I would like to continue good decisions and Hillary will continue good strong leadership. He has not endorsed Hillary in a statement but after this weeks terror attack the only presidential statement by the candidates was from Hillary.
(37,468 posts)So many come into this group to bash Secretary Clinton and President Obama. One day I'm leaving this place. So many POLITICALLY CLUELESS PEOPLE.
Mary Mac
(344 posts)I think they're moving to jack rabbit and I wish all well. Yes I am Obama Hillary now.
(3,133 posts)I'll never vote for her. She let me down at State, promoting fracking around the world, etc. When she left, she made paid speeches KNOWING she was going to run, and she had plenty of money. Now she doesn't want to share. She is not accountable.
And let's not forget all the weapons for cash via the 'Foundation', totally unacceptable. Bill took 500K for an arms sale, and forgot he was not to do that while she was at 'State'. He said ooops! I forgot! Utter bullshit.
If you have to HOPE someone doesn't let you down, then you are not sure of them. That is the exact trust issue she has overwhelmingly across the board. She doesn't even stand up and speak for everyone's vote to count.
Hardly presidential material, anymore. She's been totally corrupted!
(27,742 posts)no argument there.
(277 posts)When she was chosen to be SOS she did a great job for our Nation. I am backing Hillary because she has fought for our Nation and will continue. Please don't even bring up the IWR because I believe her and Kerry and Biden and all other Dems that believe the Reports. Colen Powell was an upstanding witness...unfortunately he was dubbed too. I think we will be well represented by this clear thinking Democrate