Barack Obama
Related: About this forumWhy Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time (Barack Obama Group)
Last edited Fri Apr 15, 2016, 07:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Already missing our soon-to-be-former POTUS.
something is dawning on usits almost too soon for us to admit, but its there, a half-considered thought only now blooming in our brains. Maybe we dismiss it with one of those quick cognitive fly swats. Nah, too early to say or I hate that guy. But the truth is coming, and it sounds like this: Barack Obama will be inducted into the league of Great Presidents.
Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?
Yep. (We just wont build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesnt matter.
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obamas star will rise higher than Clintons, and hell replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.
This has to do with the nature of Obamas leadership, which is to play to legacy (and Clintons impulse, which is to play to the room). Bill Clinton will long be revered because hes charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the Democratic Party. Barack Obama will long be revered because hes charismatic, presided over an economic revival, and changed and elevated the view of the presidency. Hes simply bigger than Bill.
More to the point, Obamas legacy is the sort that gets canonized. Because the first rule of Hall of Fame-dom: The times have to suck for the president not to. Civil wars, World Wars, depressions and recessions. You got to have em if you wanna be great. Thats why we rate the Washingtons, Lincolns, and Roosevelts over That Fat Guy with the Walrus Mustache. Like Obama, these Great Men were dealt sucky hands, won big, and left the country better off than it was before.

Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)Perogie
(687 posts)Which of these three does he knock out of the top 3?
1. Lincoln
2. FDR
3. Washington
Hell, Obama doesn't even make the top 15 based on the 2015 poll, administered by the American Political Science Association among political scientists specializing in the American presidency.
I would trust their ranking since they study the presidents and stuff like that.
(90,335 posts)You are not welcome here to dis this President. We are not a forum. Take it to the BS group.
(17,301 posts)Should not appear on the front page. Really, if you don't want disagreement, you should stay in the basement and not expose yourself to civil discourse.
I was about to mention the huge hole in Obama's legacy - the TPP -but since you are an extra special group, I'll refrain.
No closed groups should appear on the front page. Very misleading.
(17,301 posts)It is a misleading and you get caught in the trap of responding and some silly person tells you are banned. And you kept your response civil and you wonder how you broke DU rules......
Anyway, extra special groups should avoid the front page cause no one is sure which are extra special and which ones are Not...and then you get banned.
(90,335 posts)You have an issue take it up with Skinner. HE HAS ADDRESED IT MORE THAN ONCE!
(90,335 posts)He has addressed it time and time again.
There are groups and there are forums. How hard are the rules for each is it for you to understand?
YOU are not welcome in the Barack Obama Group!
(11,543 posts)How so many who claim to be supporting Bernie also dislike president Obama? I know we have our long time resident Obama haters, the old Manny gang, but now so many of the "new" posters come in and start trashing Hillary right off the bat, and Obama. Makes one wonder.
(90,335 posts)Yup hate, started as just Hill hate. Now the uptick of Obama hate. Surprised, no. These people are not Democrats.
(1,862 posts)that makes it even better. If you guys liked him, THEN something would be wrong.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)dubyadiprecession
(6,754 posts)TeamPooka
(25,577 posts)stonecutter357
(12,819 posts)
(90,335 posts)Thanks otohara.

Jack Bone
(2,035 posts)that we couldn't give him a more hospitable Congress to deal with...damn racist bastards!!
I salute him for all that he has accomplished in spite of them....
Thanx for the thread!
(114,020 posts)He really stayed above the tsunami of slime they directed at him.
(20 posts)otohara
(24,135 posts)You did your job like a good bot now go back to the Sanders forum.
Response to otohara (Reply #7)
Post removed
(24,135 posts)you and your naive friends - that's just sad.
Did you and your friends punish him by not voting in midterms, special elections, municipal elections?
(2,720 posts)...that Sanders has explicitly said that he backs Obama's drone policy, and will not end the program. So his "Dr. Drone" applies equally to his new fetish.
- C.D. Proud Member of the Reality Based Community
/ p.s. Obama is one of the greatest presidents of the last 100 years, and yes, that includes FDR
(828 posts)I think you have no grounds to call anyone naive. You support one of the most staged and corporate connected candidates of all times, and that includes republicans. Expect payoffs if and when she becomes president and the payoffs won't be to you.
(24,135 posts)The USA of YUGE and has millions more people than Canada, France all the Nordic countries and several more. Then there's the GOP you all helped get elected by sitting out midterms.
So yeah naive is the correct term.
(828 posts)I don't expect free everything. What I do expect is government to work for the people not the corporations. We have to start sometime as opposed to just saying that is the way things are. Corporations get free stuff all the time. These corporations, the corporate media and the political establishment keep telling you it can't be done because they don't want to rock their gravy boat. You have to believe that things can get better. Income disparity has grown exponentially in the last 30 years. Are we to say that they should just remain the same. If that is what you want, Clinton will deliver. You want corporations writing trade deals with no input by working Americans, Clinton will deliver. Do you want to keep feeding a bloated defense, selling arms all over the world and entering wars because of a hawkish president, Clinton will deliver. Do you want to continue fracking all over the world and in our national parks and lands even though it has been proven to be unsafe, Clinton will deliver. Do you believe that banks should not be reigned in even after abuses, then Clinton will deliver. Do you believe that social security should be cut or tied to the chained CPI instead of strengthening our greatest safety net, Clinton will deliver. Do you believe in the expansion of for profit prisons, Clinton will deliver. If you don't believe these statements and that the Lady who says she was proud to be a Goldwater girl as late as 1996 is a true progressive, and that Hillary will not be beholden to the Banking Industry, Wall Street, Defense industry, Energy industry and the private prison industry, that is naive.
(5,908 posts)I don't know why anyone identifying themselves as a Democrat would use it.
(28,290 posts)Yes, Pres. Obama has been a good president, especially considering the obstruction and racism that's been slung at him.
But he could have been great.
Single payer? Not considered.
Exposing and prosecuting BushCo. crimes? Not considered.
Breaking up Wall Street banks, including financial reforms? Not considered.
(10,521 posts)or a disaster. We cannot point out his flaws, mistakes, and corporate influence without being dismissed as a complete Obama hater.
He did many great things and many terrible things and all sorts in between. I guess we feel the need to remind people of his flaws because of posts like this that gloss over his complete lack of accountability for Bush/Cheney and Wall Street.
To me when I think of all of the lives lost due to Iraq, a war we were lied into for oil and so the MIC can soak up our tax dollars. Wall Street committed massive fraud that brought down the world's economy, ruining people financially, emotionally, and many suicides.
These are only a couple of huge things he did that harmed tens of millions and demonstrated that there is a class of Americans above the law in this country. History usually takes some time before objective review can be had to rank a President. In Obama's case, there are some glaring problems that would prevent a top ten ranking though. Top three Presidents of all time, I think not!
(28,290 posts)
(5,112 posts)as to, loosely, Republicans' "creating their own reality" and being history's actors. I've been involved in politics since I was a fifteen year old "Kennedy girl" and recruited a lot of other kids, who admittedly just wanted the hat and sash in our very Republican town. I had to wait until I was 21 to vote at that time. I've always basically traced the thirty-five year post WWII U.S. "golden years" as ending with the Reagan administration. The fact that Republicans consider Reagan, rather than Eisenhower, as the great presidential saint in the last half of the twentieth century says it all. Much as liberals hated Nixon at the time, "Tricky Dick" looks better in retrospect, than what the Repubs are offering up these days. Meanwhile the Democrats seemed determined on a "sainted" candidate who never would have survived an election had we known the "dirty details' we agonize over in current politics.
(24,135 posts)and knew the GOP would have block him on every issue.
I know he really wanted to close Guantanamo but every state said NO< NO< NO and the population of each state agreed.
(10,521 posts)Obama hater. Being objective is hard, I have my own issues close to my heart that make it difficult, but one must always try.
Sure the Republicans were awful and obstructionist. I cheered when he would call them out for their cold, heartless budgets, stances on guns and mass shootings... I also ranted when Eric Holder gave Wall Street and BP a pass for their crimes.
Obama has been one of the smartest Presidents that we have had, but he still fed us populism and Progressivism, but delivered Centrist. By delivered Centrist, I am not talking issues where he had to compromise, but many of his own policies have not been Progressive, his appointments have certainly not been!
(28,290 posts)But it was an afterthought and I was too busy to come back to change it.
I agree with other DUers that he should have pushed. Guantanamo was impossible however, I agree with you on that.
(565 posts)Haters just gotta hate.
(28,290 posts)And his policies tonight in the debate.
(37,468 posts)TeamPooka
(25,577 posts)sus453
(164 posts)insultingly dismissing that person. I like Obama, but he's a centrist and has never pretended to be otherwise. There are things which he does that deserve criticism - the TPP, drones, Libya, Honduras . . . Why have a group that is just cheerleading and nothing else - what's the point? And I'm sick of people wrapping themselves up in Obama to push their own political agenda just because he's popular.
Also, I didn't dive into the discussion forums to read this thread - it was on the front page of DU for everyone to see.
(35,082 posts)Hall of fame.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,052 posts)Both men are very intelligent and have a lot of wisdom.
(1,862 posts)After all, He did specialize in constitutional law.
(63,499 posts)Johnson? Kennedy?
Hard to tell right now. Probably in the upper 1/3rd.
His responses to some of the situations was uneven and he was often too ready to 'compromise' with Republicans rather than stand up and fight. He has shown better leadership in the last two years. Better late than never.
May be a long time before we know what effect if any race had on his presidency.
Also hoping he follows the Truman and Carter model for post presidency.
(55,035 posts)
(7,688 posts)Rare indeed. Thoughtful and effective.
(687 posts)Maybe so, but if it takes six paragraphs to get limbered up enough to say why -- I have a hard time believing this person's opinion to be persuasive. . . .
Yup -- just read the article. Lightweight substance free idolatry.
This response takes no position on the President's place in history. He may well wind up being considered good, great or greatest.
But this shallow little essay sheds no light on the subject whatsoever.
Response to otohara (Original post)
Post removed
(2,741 posts)in the last 70+ years...and I agree with you...
(36,026 posts)the question is to what degree. like you say, LBJ did great things. he also did horrible things.
back in 08, I was telling people that they should pick the Dem they would best trust to kill for them, because that's what the president does. they run murder, inc. we have the biggest military on the planet; so big that not using it is out of the question.
I'm trying to think of a president under whom war crimes weren't committed. carter? was the failed iran hostage rescue mission a war crime? invasion of sovereign territory, loss of life...
I'm sure the CIA killed a few between 77 and 81 as well.
Ferd Berfel
(3,687 posts)and history will take a dim view of it. Unless you're in the 1%
(54,770 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)if, on his last day, he knocks Mich McConnell on his ass. Of coarse, he will need President Sanders promise of a pardon if any assault charges are filed.
George II
(67,782 posts)...sorely missed.
Did you see see him earlier today with the disabled racers and all the children blowing the starting horn? THAT alone is something I haven't seen in any of the eleven Presidents during my lifetime.
BTW, up until 2009, I thought Clinton was the best President of my life, he was quickly dropped down to #2 (not a bad thing) behind Obama.
Response to otohara (Original post)
Duppers This message was self-deleted by its author.
(37,468 posts)Please delete your post. Thank you.
(37,468 posts)This thread has been like flypaper to the Obama haters.
(177,384 posts)
(37,468 posts)

(11,833 posts)President Obama helped us recover from the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Expanded health insurance to remove once and for all the denial of coverage to anyone with a preexisting condition. No one need go bankrupt because of a catastrophic illness ever again.
Ended our country's involvement in two wars. Did not start any stupid costly wars. Quickly adopted the language of occupy wall street to emphasize and bring into public consciousness the inequality between the 1% and the 99% and continued working toward reducing this tremendous gap - perhaps the greatest economic challenge facing us at home and in the future. Brought China and other countries together to sign the most significant climate change agreement in history. Helped rescue the auto industry on terms in which manufacturers create better & more efficient cars and the American people made money.
Significantly reduced the crippling deficit toward something much more manageable. Helped end marriage discrimination against our LGBT brothers and sisters. Shed much light on the unconscionable horrors of systemic racism and sexism. Paved the way for us to reduce and end it in all manners political, and economic and hopefully social. Normalized relations with Cuba. Major nuclear arms reduction deal with Iran. Marking the 50th anniversary of pivotal moment in civil rights, at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Selma, Alabama, delivered one of the greatest speeches in U.S. history on the value of optimism and perseverance, and the critical value of voting in every election big and small, federal and local and state.
Nearly no scandal or drama associated with other presidencies. No corruption not even a tiny bit. Emphasized physical fitness and reducing obesity without coming off like a hypocrite or self-righteous cheerleader. Paved the way for reducing the human and financial costs associated with imprisoning non-violent criminals. Emphasized early literacy and big brother type volunteerism and will devote much of his life beyond his presidency to continuing these initiatives.
Opened the door for a very liberal younger generation to accomplish a great deal more, with inspiration and optimism and an endearing sense of humor and rationality. Paved the way for stronger gun control. Paved the way for expanding medicare and medicaid. Paved the way for increasing taxes on the rich and lowering them for everyone else. Paved the way for closing the loopholes of offshore tax cheats (individuals and corporations).
All this with an intransigent republican congress and a corporate controlled mass media. And an often disenchanted, disengaged, cynical, apathetic, ignorant or hysterically idiotic general public. And relentless nitpicking criticism from the far right, much of the far left and far too many in between.
To me there is little doubt he is the greatest president of the post-World War II era. I personally feel he's the greatest president in history because he did this all without exercising one iota of the racism, sexism, arrogance or hubris associated with every past 'great' president.
(37,468 posts)Please put Barack Obama group in the subject line of your post. That will keep out 99.99% of the Obama haters. There's always one, yanno
I took a long long break from DU cuz of the hate - it was mild compared to now.
Lesson learned, thanks.
(1,313 posts)him right up there as another smooth talking cocksucking corporatist. I could mention more but fuck him.
How pathetic things have become that people think Obama is so great. Suckers.
(54,770 posts)will prove itself in the long-run to be an important effort at binding us with the rest of the world and improving conditions in poor countries.
(48,017 posts)of course his accomplishments and overcoming congressional obstruction would be much more appreciated as our population becomes more liberal, more diverse, and sees long term improvements from his policies. Opening relations with Cuba and Iran as well as killing bin laden and Gaddafi will be notable achievements.
"Obama's coming to get your guns and turn you into a newt!" will sound really foolish after it didn't happen.
Response to otohara (Original post)
IHateTheGOP This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1,325 posts)Sadly, his own democratic party has been far too reticent. One very important aspect of his presidency has been his quiet and relentless effort to secure loose nukes, especially in the former Soviet Union satellite countries. Almost no media coverage but his successes have been astonishing and effective. You may have to hunt the web to find extensive reporting but it's there. His team actually built a railroad to move some weapons away from the place where they had been stored. Maybe it's hard to fathom because Obama has all too often been the only "adult in the room".
(22,519 posts)His legacy will grow over time. He did more for this country than any other president before him could have if dealt the same hand.
(4,510 posts)put him over the hump into the great range you have to start polishing his achievements now like the repubs and reagan.
(465 posts)In the top dozen or so. Could have been greater if the American people had brains enough to vote for a Congress to back him up.
(1,320 posts)... without a doubt, particularly considering the unprecedented obstruction by the Rush-publicans.
The greatest? ... history will have to make that judgment.
(8,684 posts)DrBulldog
(841 posts). . . until the day he took office. He will be remembered for his immediate massive cave-in to the Republican party and the total destruction of the hopes of millions of progressives who believed his campaign speeches. History will take little note of him. He was just another bought-and-paid-for Establishment politician.
(279 posts)ananda
(31,320 posts)Give me a big fucking break!
Go Sanders!
(5,644 posts)Stellar image, Stellar.
(5,644 posts)
Francis Booth
(162 posts)hand on the rudder these trying 8 years.
He will be sorely missed, and I think history will be very kind to him.
(37,468 posts)This is an example of a more-or-less-totally-effective thread to block haters:
Pretty hard to miss the warnings.
(2,807 posts)We know it is coming. Tell us all how he is a right winger.
hrc guy
(73 posts)Top 5, easy!
Bad Dog
(2,028 posts)If only the NHS had been known as Atleecare or Bevancare we probably wouldn't have had the dark days of Thatcherism.
(30,058 posts)Is another place of service, Cool Hand Luke, he is calm and cool under supreme pressure.
(19,288 posts)

(314 posts)in another 10-15 years I don't think the opinion that President Obama is one of the all time greats will be a controversial one. He's accomplished a hell of a lot for this country, and could have done even more had we given him a half-decent congress to work with throughout his presidency.
(285 posts)Pres Obama has been an outstanding Prez, and Pres Hillary Clinton is going to do a great job,too.
(31,443 posts)
(55 posts)Brilliant, poised, inspiring, thoughtful, rational, mature, kind, funny, and so much more. Obama has been a wonderful president who has done so much good for this country on so many levels, and it's truly a shame that people continue to give him such a hard time.
It's like a lopsided relationship where one person is obviously too good for the other, yet sticks around anyway out of devotion, taking undeserved abuse. Well, the day he up and leaves us is coming, and only once he's gone will we begin to realize that he was the One. (Queue "Let Her Go" )
(14,128 posts)Would too vote for him again, but grateful that his successor can build on his legacy. He will be missed.