Barack Obama
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(26,244 posts)The history books report this?
(308,435 posts)that they have to report that the gop was their own worst enemy and they got what they deserved.
Thanks, cilla~
So true.
I got so pissed off yesterday. In his speech, Trump appeared to threaten Obama. He kept saying the allegations against him were lies, that people "can make up anything." Then he asked why no women have come forward to accuse Obama because "they can say anything." He said, "He'd better be careful" because someone might come forward and say something about the president...
I was yelling at my tv. He isn't fit to lick Obama's shoes.
(308,435 posts)Trump and his rabid fans are crazier than a shit house rat being the prime examples.
We know exactly what he was saying about President Obama.. he's a predator and he got busted.. now he's upping his predatory action.. anyone notice? Just like when he sneakily called for this..
"Republican presidential nominee says second amendment people could stop Democrat choosing undesirable supreme court justices if she is elected"
That mofo needs to go down.
(3,284 posts)It's pretty fitting that Republicans found the biggest scumbag on earth to nominate, but they've really outdone themselves this time...
(308,435 posts)his predatory crimes.. and that includes taking the repubs down with him. Nothing less.
(26,244 posts)Can somehow be implicated in these crimes, as well, in the long view of history? Did we not speak up quickly, loudly, repeatedly enough or to the people who needed to hear is? Were there signposts we missed? Did we equivocate too much? Did we drop the ball?
(18,124 posts)have spoken up from the beginning on the threat posed by the fuhrer of the new nazi party of amerikkka. We knew he was racist now he put it out there about his disrespect for women. YEAH!!!!!! We spoke up. Didn't do any good yet, November 8 will be the turning point, historically, of this democracy.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)respectful of women and girls, is simply beyond Trump's capacity to comprehend. Trump would exploit the office for personal financial gain, and consider the status of President as opportunity to abuse and assault even greater numbers of women with impunity. Altruism was never in his vocabulary, love of country and the welfare of its people never made it into his game plan.
Trump and Obama should never be in the same sentence, much less both discussed in relationship to the Presidency.
Nice thread, Cha. The BOG has been neglected of late, and it's good to come together again.
(308,435 posts)are undesirables.. his presidency would be like the night of the living dead.
"Trump would exploit the office for personal financial gain, and consider the status of President as opportunity to abuse and assault even greater numbers of women with impunity."
I don't see how those in the military can support him after all the effort he's made to insult them. I hope so many of those he's hurled insults at stand up to him @ the Voting Booth/Early Voting!
Mahalo, Brer Cat.. it does feel good to congregate in the BOG again especially since this is the President's last year in Office.
It seems there will always be a BOG though because he and his beautiful family will still be news.
(148,682 posts)And top of the morning to ya Cha!
(308,435 posts)Top o' the morning to ye!

We can only hope that when Trump goes down, he drags the entire GOP with him.
(308,435 posts)do the honors!
Mahalo, DesertRat!
(57,426 posts)Too many of them are too lazy to watch anything other than Fox "News" and listen to anything other than National Hate Radio. And too many of them are too mean and frustrated with their lives to doubt for a second what they hear, and question if some of the drivel might not be deliberate lies.
(66,282 posts)IronLionZion
(48,017 posts)or Hillary will do it. Or something.
Seriously, Trumpers don't care about Trump. It's not about him. They are raging against "the system" which has apparently taken them for granted and left them behind. They're not right for blaming us for their problems. But they're not wrong either. The average Trumper has a fairly shitty life with nothing left to lose. They long for an imaginary time that never existed but it feels like it would be great to go back to it.
It's so silly. I just met someone who is white and shared her stories of how her grandparents faced a lot of discrimination when they came to America with broken English with an accent decades ago. Anti-immigrant hate is nothing new.
(24,667 posts)I think he was Secretary of Law or something like that
brer cat
(26,838 posts)
(24,667 posts)I can't rec this enough
(308,435 posts)so perfectly.. there's no other explanation
Mahalo, rpannier
(24,667 posts)Not to plug my own thread, but I will
I'm curious about your opinion on it
I was surprised I got a re4ply on it from Nance
Don't feel obligated, but I am curious what you think of it
(308,435 posts)would have seen that!
(2,577 posts)I'm also glad I had a chance to read your post.
I am taken aback by Trump supporters and their loud support of Trump's appalling behavior, especially since many of them are such vocal Christians who are concerned with family values and morality (supposedly).
It blows me away that in their hate and anger they MISS the whole sexual assault thing. Huh. And they think it's cool.
(90,335 posts)They are all batshit crazy and need to be locked away for the rest of their pitiful lives!
(308,435 posts)It's true.. 8 years of President Obama's successes no matter how many road blocks they threw up.. was enough to send them right over the edge and look what happened!
And over the cliff they go!