Related: About this forumCongresswoman to Google CEO: Why when I search 'idiot' do I get pictures of Trump?
Source: Washington Post
By Colby Itkowitz
December 11 at 5:04 PM
In an effort to understand how Google search algorithms work, a Democratic congresswoman asked the tech companys chief executive a simple question: If you Google the word idiot' under images, a picture of Donald Trump comes up. How would that happen? How does search work so that that would occur?
In the middle of a congressional hearing ostensibly about privacy and data collection, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) apparently performed that search from the dais. As it turns out, the image results for idiot reveals a page of mostly Trump photos.
Google chief executive Sundar Pichai, who was testifying Tuesday morning before the House Judiciary Committee, tried to explain to the roomful of mostly tech novices how the algorithms take into account some 200 factors such as relevance, popularity, how others are using the search term to determine how to best match a query with results.
So its not some little man sitting behind the curtain figuring out what were going to show the user. Its basically a compilation of what users are generating, and trying to sort through that information? Zofgren asked, facetiously.
Zofgren was reacting to Republicans' allegations that Google employees manipulate results for political reasons. The hearing mostly revealed lawmakers' rudimentary understanding of how the Internet works and provided a platform for them to complain about unfavorable search results.
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(18,110 posts)"Eva Peron: Did you hear that? They called me a whore! They actually called me a whore!
Italian Admiral: But Segnora Peron, it's an easy mistake. I'm still called an admiral, though I gave up the sea long ago. "
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,738 posts)with the result that Google returns pictures of Trump, because Google sorts its search returns by how users of the Internet make associations? That's how Googling Rick Santorum produced "frothy mix."
So I just Googled "idiot," and sure enough... And this result will be reinforced by all the people Googling "idiot" to see if Trump turns up.
(12,060 posts)marked50
(1,458 posts)hvn_nbr_2
(6,616 posts)Only about 1 out of 5 images are the Orange Pestilence. Did find one good saying: Don't try to talk sense and logic with a Trump supporter. You're not "The Dumbfuck Whisperer."
(23,112 posts)And that just keeps moving it up the queue of popularity.