Related: About this forumHow many Republican held US Senate seats up in 2020 that is likely to go Democratic and vice versa?
Republican held US Senate seats up in 2020 that is likely to go Democratic-
1)CO(Gardner-R)Hickenlooper-D 48
2)AZ special(McSally-R)Kelly-D 49
3)NC(Tillis-R)/Cunningham-D 50
4)ME(Collins-R)/Gideon-D 51
5)IA(Ernst-R)/Greenfield-D 52
6)GA special(Loeffler-R)/Tarver-D 53
7)GA regular(Perdue-R)/Tomlinson-D 54
8)KS(OPEN Roberts-R)/Bollier-D vs Kobach-R 54/55
Democratic held US Senate seats up in 2020 that is likely to go Republican-
1)AL(Jones-D)Session-R 53-55
Democrats will end up with 53-55 US Senate seats after Nov. 2020.

(5,811 posts)#Remove23GOP
(8,617 posts)AK(Sullivan-R) Democratic Nominee is Al Gross who is running as an Independent.
AR(Cotton-R) Democratic Nominee is Dan Whitfield who is running as an Independent.
ID(Risch-R) Democratic Nominee is unknown.
LA(Cassidy-R) Democratic Nominee is Antoine Pierce who is unknown. Mitch Landrieu-D keeps the race competitive but he is unlikely to run.
NE(Sasse-R) Democratic Nominee is Chris Janicek who is unknown.
OK(Inhofe or Pruitt-R) Brad Henry-D keeps the race competitive but he is unlikely to run.
SD(Rounds-R) Democratic Nominee Dan Ahlers is unknown.
TN(OPEN Alexander-R) Is James Mackler-D a stronger or weaker candidate than Phil Bredensen, the 2018 Democratic Nominee?
WY(OPEN Enzi-R) Dave Freudenthal-D keeps the race competitive but he is unlikely to run.
Longshot Republican held US Senate seats up in 2020 likely to go Democratic.
KY(McConnell-R vs McGrath-D)
MS(Hyde Smith-R vs Espy-D)
MT(Daines-R vs Collins-D) Collins-D needs to rely on 2020 Democratic Nominee for MT Governor Mike Cooney's coattails and Tester's help.
SC(Graham-R vs Harrison-D)
TX(Cornyn-R vs Hegar-D or West-D)
WV(Moore Capito-R vs Ojeda-D)