Related: About this forumGOP Armed Services Chair: Dropping Benghazi, Military did all it Could (Is the Witch Hunt Over?) Armed Services Chair: Dropping Benghazi, Military did all it Could (Is the Witch Hunt Over?)
By Juan Cole | Apr. 11, 2014
Republican Rep. Howard Buck McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, declared on Thursday that the US military did all it could during the chaotic two days of September 11-12, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya and that his own investigation of the US response to the violence of that day is over.
There are several other GOP investigations of Benghazi on-going, as the party attempts vainly to keep the issue alive so as to use it against the Democrats.
What I cant understand is if the GOP is so concerned about Benghazi and Libya as a security threat to the US, why arent they voting more aid for Libya and more help to establish a new Libyan army loyal to the elected government? If they believe Benghazi is al-Qaeda territory, why arent they eager to cooperate with the GNC to push it back? They are only interested in 12 hours of postrevolutionary Libya, the hours where they think they can make political hay in the US.
Demonstrations in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere in the Muslim world were provoked by a fake film made by the Muslim-hating network in the US, with which some Egyptian Coptic Christians are allied. The Copts involved tried repeatedly to get the film shown on Egyptian t.v. (it was made with a different dialogue with actors who had no idea what they were in, then dubbed with shocking hate speech against Islam and its holy figures). The Muslim-haters succeeding in having clips aired by fundamentalist Muslim channels, which provoked anti-US demonstrations and attacks at US embassies, in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. In Libya, the demonstrations were used as a cover by a terrorist cell, which fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the temporary US consulate, catching it on fire and causing Ambassador Chris Stevens to die of smoke inhalation.

(30,058 posts)Was SOS and they thought they had information which may halt her run for the presidency. All of the US facilities under prior administrations was never as important as Benghazi. Pure politics. Issa thought he could wreck the Democrats and he has failed.
(359 posts)... and over 3,000 American Diplomats perished.....
Obama and Hillary had been briefed it might happen over six times!!! SIX TIMES !!!!
oh... never mind....
(61,967 posts)But did Clenis and FDR do anything? NO!
They gave away our freedom at Yalta, while conspiring with Jefferson Davis to abrogate the Peace of Westphalia, opening the door for Ghengis Khan and his ravenous hordes to sweep across the land that bore the tragic name of "Bleeding Kansas".
Goddamned Democrats!! Obama!! Hillary!! CLENIS!!!! KHAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!