Dean's ‘impossible' Presidential run

Kate OConnor signs a copy Friday of her memoir, Do the Impossible: My Crash Course on Presidential Politics Inside the Howard Dean Campaign. The former governor appeared with his longtime aide at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester to discuss his run for the White House in 2004./Peter Crabtree
Posted: 01/22/2012 10:20:31 PM EST
Sunday January 22, 2012
Staff Writer
MANCHESTER -- In late 2003, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was a front-runner in the Democrat's race for the presidential nomination.
Crowds that could once be counted on one hand had grown into thousands, and "Deaniacs" would roar with approval when Dean would deliver the signature line they craved: "You have the power!"
Eight years after the campaign, after a successful stint as chairman of the Democratic National Committee and frequent appearances on cable news shows, Dean is now teaching a course about politics at Yale. Had he secured the nomination and gone on to win the presidency he could be wrapping his second term. Although Dean is disappointed, not all share his sentiment, even within his own family.
"I'm sorry I didn't win. Very sorry I didn't win. But, my wife isn't sorry. Every year she says, You know Howard, the country really could have used you. You would have been a terrific president, but I'm really glad you didn't win because every time I see what Michelle Obama has to do I think, Oh my God, that could be me,'" Howard said.
Lengthy interview alongside former aide Kate O'Connor...good read.