Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumSome are falsely saying that in California Provisonal Ballots are thrown away. That simply
is not true:
Q: Are vote-by-mail and provisional ballots always counted even in "landslide" elections?
A: Yes, every valid ballot returned to county elections officials by 8:00 p.m. on election day is counted in every election, regardless of the ballot type or the margin in any particular contest.
There are checks done to confirm that the person is registered to vote in that county, and that they did not already vote in that election.
If Greg Palast and others want to push this misinformation, let's see how well that works out for them.
If a person has registered as NPP, and they didn't receive a Democratic ballot, they can exchange that ballot for a Democratic ballot at the polling place on election day. If for some reason that polling place has run out of Democratic ballots, and those voters decide to listen to Greg Palast, and refuse to accept a provisional ballot, whose fault would that be?

(5,737 posts)stopbush
(24,663 posts)when Sanders gets clobbered.
(98,038 posts)think the final results will be within a 10 point spread.
Registered Democrats who voted in the last election, are definitely favoring Hillary
What the NPP registrations decide to do make it difficult to predict
(24,663 posts)It could be a blow out, especially if NJ gets called at 5pm PDT - could keep the Sandernistas away from the polls.
(98,038 posts)BlueCaliDem
(15,438 posts)NPP's are notoriously a-political and the steps they have to make to vote in the Dem Party primary for Sanders might prove to be too much to keep their attention-span focused on their candidate. We'll see.
puffy socks
(1,473 posts)or some other such baloney. That tactic is so narcissistic it's disgusting.
(70,772 posts)braddy
(3,585 posts)I get a mail in ballot but prefer to vote at the booth, so...... provisional, I also vote wherever I am working on that day, so that occasionally means voting in a precinct that isn't mine, so...... provisional.
It all gets counted in the end.
(98,038 posts)"Q: I am a voter with no party preference, and I received a vote-by-mail ballot with no presidential candidates. What can I do to request a ballot with presidential candidates?
Contact your county elections office no later than May 31 to request a vote-by-mail ballot with presidential candidates from the Democratic Party, American Independent Party, or Libertarian Party. Click Here for County Elections Contact Information; OR
Bring your vote-by-mail ballot to the polls on Election Day and exchange it for a ballot with presidential candidates from the Democratic Party, American Independent Party, or Libertarian Party. If you have lost your original vote-by-mail ballot, you will have to vote a provisional ballot at the pollsyour vote will still be counted; OR
Bring your vote-by-mail ballot to an early voting location in your county and exchange it for a ballot with presidential candidates from the Democratic Party, American Independent Party, or Libertarian Party. If you have lost your original vote-by-mail ballot, you will have to vote a provisional ballot at the pollsyour vote will still be counted."
(53,544 posts)I would not vote provisionally. Provisional should be fine if you are voting only for President or any office that is entirely within your county. Otherwise, you might miss out on some races that may concern you. Or you may be voting for candidates that are not in your voting district. Those will not get counted.
(3,585 posts)skylucy
(3,909 posts)now throwing my entire STATE under the bus. They are without shame.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)His hysteria-mongering is totally irresponsible and rife with misinformation. I can't remember the last time there were voting problems in CA. This is getting like anti-vaxxer nonsense.
(98,038 posts)I don't think this is a good strategy to get Californians to vote for you if you "dismiss" a popular Governor and Senator
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)I am tired of him being in our state, and creating all of this drama and negativity.
(53,544 posts)How does anyone turn a state blue when it is already blue?
Another bug is claiming that Sanders is the reason that the top two vote getters in other races are Democrats and due to Sanders. That is total baloney.
What usually happens in presidential preference primaries is the newer voters are only focused on voting for their presidential candidate.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)We have a top two system. Some of these people have to be trolling.
(96,611 posts)Thanks for clarifying.
(1,033 posts)(Alabama)
My son had just turned 18 and registered to vote. We checked the night before election day on the "find your polling place" website and his name and registration information showed up so we figured we were good to go. However, upon arrival at the polling place, his name wasn't on the master list so they had him use a provisional ballot. I too thought that it would only be counted "if necessary".
To our surprise, about 2 weeks after the primary we got a notice in the mail that his registration had been validated and his vote was counted. Pretty cool. I really didn't want him to have a bad experience the first time he voted.
(30,058 posts)any basis if Sanders loses, he may or may not win in California but she will get enough delegates in California to bring her to the half point of the pledged delegates and whatever goal post Sanders wants Hillary to pass will also be required of Sanders.
(2,577 posts)has really made me see that we have people on the left who can be as unhinged as the folks on the right. I used to think we had brains and common sense on our side, but apparently not always.
Apparently Hillary has "stolen" 3 million more votes than Bernie cuz no one would actually vote for her willingly.
Caucuses are bad ... unless Bernie wins.
Closed primaries are bad ... unless Bernie wins.
Open primaries are bad ... unless Bernie wins.
Super delegates are bad ... unless they switch to Bernie.
I have a headache.
Walk away
(9,494 posts)