Those times when Clinton's accusers—Chaffetz and Gowdy—had a few classified slips of their own
I prefer to leak things while the cameras are rolling.
As GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetzwho called for Thursday's "emergency" interrogation of FBI director James Comeyled an inquiry into whether Sec. Hillary Clinton had mishandled internal emails, the CIA was probably holding its breath that he wouldn't accidentally publicize any more classified information on live television.
Chaffetz, chair of the House Oversight Committee, has had several brushes of his own with disclosing classified information. In July of 2011, the Washington Post reported accusations that his Transportation panel illegally leaked "sensitive security information" from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to the media.
The following year, Chaffetz bypassed leaks altogether and just blabbed the classified stuff on live television, reported Dana Milbank.
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