Exploring the Mind of a Trumpeteer…
Please read and share: http://stupidpartymathvmyth.com/1/post/2016/11/exploring-mind-trumpeteer-3.html
"Virtually no newspaper editorial, no academic, no economist, foreign policy expert, foreign leaders (except Putin) will endorse Trump. The KKK however does endorse Trump -but who else other than has been politicians looking for a Job in his administration (Gingrich, Christie, Giuliani etc.) or paid off hacks could endorse this transparent narcissist with zero policy expertise. A man who incites violence against all his enemies (anyone with a functioning brain and an ounce of decency) has told his supporters to ban Muslims, punish women, OK to assault women, Mexicans are rapists, sue the press, sideline any Judge who threatens him, nuke who ever, that he knows more about ISIS than the Generals, does not need input from American Intelligence a self-proclaimed Billionaire who lies with impunity, who does not contribute a dime to the national purse, a man who in spite of being supported, financed and bailed out by his dad on countless occasions creates bankrupt entities with the frequency of a person suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome leaving a long running mess of wrecked businesss and peoples savings in the toilet."