John Kerry
Related: About this forumHuge coverage of this digusting SBVT reanactment attempt , both against JK and Bergdhal least 50 articles on Google news browser.
Will this GARBAGE never end?
(10,117 posts) Why give it air?
(2,992 posts)Just wanted to expose MSM once again......
(10,117 posts)...good. You and I know JK is a hero.
But others out there look for any chance to degrade his service. It is election season, so they are out in force again. They want a fight. If it comes to that, they will lose...of that I am sure.
(60,081 posts)There ARE MSM accounts that a Representative, Hunter Duncan, who is very right wing made that link. They are attacking Duncan - who deserves it. NO ONE, not on the loony right, believes the lies of the SBVT.
There are many right wing websites, that are speaking to themselves and will never accept the truth -- because their heads would explode! Part of their problem is that JK is a genuine war hero, who really was everything anyone could want as a commanding officer - very intelligent, very conscientious, extremely concerned for the safety of his guys - and extremely courageous.
The funny thing is that I suspect that IS a more valued by Republicans than Democrats. It might be that many Democrats were more comfortable with people who avoided going! So, in 2004, Democrats who attacked Bush for NOT going were being hypocritical - as we had no problem with Clinton's fancy footwork to avoid the war. Most Democrats were more impressed with other parts of Kerry's record. What was strangest was that some on the right turned Bush's questionable service into something that defined him as a hero.
Where I do expect fireworks is that Obama/Kerry/Hagel are committed to winding down the Afghanistan War - and part of that is very likely working to facilitate a reconciliation process in Afghanistan. To many Americans, the Taliban is essentially the same as Al Quaeda. This ignores that the Taliban people are Afghani and they can't be kicked out - they need to be reintegrated. The problem is that their values and western values are inconsistent. It is not at all clear to me that we have any way to demand or insure that changes we pushed will remain - even if, to us, essential.
(2,992 posts)YvonneCa
(10,117 posts) from San Diego. He is relatively new to Congress...replacing his dad, Duncan HUNTER. That district is very Republican leaning and for years the senior Hunter brought in $$$$ for military contracts to SD. SD is a military town, so both Hunters have had much support.
The younger Duncan Hunter spouts RW talking points but I often wonder how much he really knows about the issues. His policy stance is a carbon copy of his dad's. I also think the younger was elected as an incumbent initially...many voters had no idea they were voting for a new guy.
(60,081 posts)names.
Wasn't the father the idiot who spoke of W's great bravery flying planes - facing more danger doing that than JK in the "short" time he was in Vietnam?
It does seem that the son is a lot like the dad.
(10,117 posts)...both very pro RW Republican and both never know when to shut their mouths.
As to not realizing there was a father and have a lot of company in the San Diego electorate. And I say this as a proud, long time SDCounty resident...
Local one time...regularly referred to the elder Hunter as 'Duck-an-Cover.'
(3,539 posts)Swift Boat Veterans worked. Were it a movie the GOP would have had a smash hit.
Benghazi worked. It's sort of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer of scandals.
Bergdhal has elements of both plots. Hell, its already as popular as Honey Boo Boo.
It makes good sense to air the SBV reruns just before prime time.
The script was already written, all you need do is bring on some stars like Sahara Palin and Ted Cruz, bring back a few old timers like Oliver North and maybe even Clint Eastwood, cameo a few stars form other popular shows like Derrell Issa and you have a winner.
You don't heed to worry about humans, familys or ethics, you jut want that election Oscar.
You can be sure that the nastier the the direction the more hate drips from the screenplay the more you're Teapublican audience will lap it up.
(21,866 posts)wisteria
(19,581 posts)But, as someone mentioned in a post already, it is election season, and Republicans will grasp at anything simply to get the base riled up. That is why I do not understand why it was necessary right now, to bring Bergdhal home. I can't help thinking there is more to this story. The White House and Susan Rice, had to know the Republicans would take this story and run with it- or didn't they?