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Probably not the most obvious "topic of interest to men" but I find it awesome.

Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)I thought about posting it here myself. It is amazing the closets some build. Some things really aren't that earth-shattering, but others are things that need to be faced. It can be as simple as thinking someone is less than because they live somewhere you hate. The light will expose it. Of course, it can be a heavy burden too. I have never told anyone in my family that I was raped, but I do know it about two of my family members. I have only "come out" here about having death threats leveled against me, so severe I was placed under FBI protection. Coming out is never easy. Sometimes secrets are kept to protect people, but sometimes those secrets really are only protecting the holder.
I am glad you posted it. I hope others comment.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)As a family we always knew, but when he came out publicly I realized it was something we would all have to do together. I didn't really think about that much until it happened. In a way I think it also protects those who are close to the holder to a lesser degree. My son did this while he was still in high school and suffered tremendously for it, but I'm proud of him for having the courage to do so. I've always felt that whatever I had to go through in dealing with bigots pales in comparison to his experiences.
(33,224 posts)I probably miss a great many good ones because the signal to noise ratio is too low, e.g. Tony Porter
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)This was a really good one because it hits on so many things. I can understand signal to noise ratio issues especially when dealing with difficult topics because one runs into ahistorical twits, liars, and bigots. The thing is to either ignore them or gleam what little info is there and watch them proudly display their bigotry and stupidity. This particular one would have been useful a week or so ago, but it still has its place.
(711 posts)And, if you think about it very much, it is a topic that many men should be interested in. How many men have things that they keep from others, afraid that it would make them seem "less manly" to someone else? Once those come out, life goes on, and can get better.
(33,224 posts)Bringing the difficulty of coming out to a frame of reference that everyone can understand was brilliant.
(13,324 posts)