Men's Group
Related: About this forumRad-Fems who use the term "Manboobz"
Is using the term "manboobz" by radical feminists as offensive as men making fun of women for:
-Having facial hair, or
-saggy breasts, or
-cankles, or

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)but where I to tell you why, I would be guilty of
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)ZenLefty
(20,924 posts)That's the solemn pride I have after years of strength training and drinking protein shakes.
(6,581 posts)The rub comes when you point it out to them, they tend to not like that.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)I have no idea where you got the idea that Manboobs is a radical feminist meme. Oh and mansplaining is in fact exactly what many of us do. We do that. It is a shoe that fits. I've done it. Frequently I just decide that there is no way that woman I've lived with for the last 30 years is going to understand something so I give her the mansplaination for it instead.
Back to Manboobs. Please refer to the Seinfeld Manssier episode. I rather doubt that Larry and Jerry were "rad-fems". Speaking of "rad-fems", can we drop that phrase? It is one degree of separation from feminazi.
(29,257 posts)Anymore than only MEN say "saggy tits".
But when women use it spitefully in the context of attacking men, it is no different.
As for maninsplaining, if you feel you do it, so be it. But it is a question of the context and the sexism inherent in it that is the issue.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)I find technical discussions with most women massively frustrating. The way men and women verbally communicate is, in my experience, very different, and those differences are exaggerated when discussing anything technical. When I first came across "mansplaining" I knew exactly what behavior that was referring to. You indeed might be the perfect non-sexist man, a man who has never mansplained anything, but did you not also understand immediately what the phrase referred to? I rest my case.
You didn't say only women say it, you attacked the mythical "rad-fems", apparently for their gross hypocrisy. Fine, whatever. I in turn pointed out that they didn't invent the term and it has been used to ridicule men for literally decades.
Can we drop "rad-fem" from our vocabulary? We don't have to be that idiotic.
(10,129 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)Sorry. It just isn't.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)When people reference "twisty", or sheila jeffreys or andrea dworkin or catherine mackinnon or gail dines, they are quoting self described "radfems".
Thats their OWN label.
That said, i dont think "manboobs" is anyone's meme.
Response to Warren DeMontague (Reply #11)
Upton This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,709 posts)which was eventually cancelled due to it's transphobic nature. There was talk about it here at DU..I'm surprised you don't remember..
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Featured Speakers, Sheila "Every time a woman orgasms with a man she is eroticizing her own oppression" Jeffreys along with our old friend Gail Dines.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)There is a thriving subculture that takes pride in the label.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)so how the fuck it is misleading or otherwise disingenuous (much less idiotic) to use "radfem" as a label; is beyond me.
(16,399 posts)I see it quoted often over there, and I'm sure they don't give two craps or give much thought to it.
I have never heard a radical feminist use that term to describe male pectoral tissue. Do they?
I have only heard it used in more mainstream ways (like on Seinfeld, or maybe on the Simpsons or something like that, and by random comedians).
I am vaguely aware that there is a website by that name.
Not crazy about the term, I think it's stupid and childish and I wouldn't use it (for a website, or to describe male pectoral tissue).
(29,257 posts)And the website claims its purpose is to fight misogyny.
That would be like a men's advocacy website calling itself ""
I appreciate you recognizing that the term coming from women as an attack can be as hurtful as any of the examples I compared it to.
(115,177 posts)He's not a "rad-fem", he's a guy who likes to mock misogyny. I'm pretty sure he means boobz as in idiots, not extra fat where breasts would be.
Puzzling that you chose to fixate on rad-fems as the source of the term in this OP (LOL, not really). If you went to the site, his name is right there, prominently featured on the front page.
(29,257 posts)Also the double entendre honestly never occurred to me.
I think I should probably apologize for this OP as it seems I made some very wrong assumptions.
(115,177 posts)And it's understandable that rad fems would get the blame. They've only been badmouthed and portrayed as the female version of fringe MRAs on this site for months now.
It's a very good blog. He does a great job of shining a light on the cockroaches.
(16,399 posts)Are you saying there are absolutely no radical feminist groups that wander off into the type of hateful and nonsensical rhetoric that some MRA groups do? Or what should they be called other than radfems?
To get indignant that posters put up questionable quotes and essays from people you apparently have some shred of respect for crosses into the Sarah Palin territory of "The media is biased for quoting me verbatim".
(14,274 posts)MadrasT
(7,237 posts)It doesn't make a lick of sense otherwise.
(115,177 posts)But yeah, otherwise, no it doesn't make any sense at all.
(22,143 posts)None of that bothers me so, no.
Your mileage may vary.