Men's Group
Related: About this forumSince rape is all the rage on DU today, I'd like your opinion of this:
(10,129 posts)Not to mention, not even at least funny.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)And Todd Akin is a gimungous asshole.
Those are my two initial thoughts.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Men can be raped, too.
Rape is not just a Female thing.
to me it just showed how much more stupid is Akin because Rape has nothing to do with pregnancy.
I did not think it was a joke -
what is the joke?
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)Despite the Deliverence Meme, that is where men get to experience some of the reality of sexual predation that women live with. However, many people, even here on DU, see prison rape as either funny or just or both.
The post wasn't funny to me either, just sick.
(135,425 posts)Sandusky and those pedo priests weren't doing their nefarious deeds in prisons.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)Child rape is a whole different aspect of sexual predation.
(135,425 posts)of "that sort of thing" going on--so I dunno. I think there might be a bit more of it happening that we realize, and it is under-reported, because it's not "manly" to admit victimization of that sort in this culture.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)Why didn't he press criminal charges?
But that really wasn't my point. You can google the stats yourself, the vast majority of adult male rapes occur in prison.
(57,278 posts)I know I am one of them.
I was in my late 20's and it wasn't a man that did it to me it was a female. I still have nightmares to this day over what had happened.
And before anyone has a smart ass answer to what I just said remember this, When you are put in a situation of this magnitude, reality goes right out the window!
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)against men reporting rape.
If you are raped it's assumed either you are less of a man (if done by another man) or you really enjoyed it and are just being whiny (if done by a woman). Police, the law, society, etc all view male-rape victims drastically different than female rape victims (in many places rape is defined with female as the victim, if it's a man that is a different charge).
It's unfortunate and it is definitely something we ought to work at changing. But it will be a long uphill struggle.
(33,224 posts)It shouldn't happen to anyone.
(135,425 posts)He said that others were abused as well.
Why didn't the children who were abused by priests "press criminal charges?"
Shall we have a round of "blame the victim?" In the fifties and sixties, no one would believe a young seminarian making that sort of complaint--the priests would say he was a "homosexual misfit" and that they threw HIM out because he was the problem.
Who would be believed? I mean, come on--get real for a second, here.
(16,399 posts)Do you think it's possible he really meant consensual gay sex between adult men?
(135,425 posts)He was quite clear.
(135,425 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)That's a pretty extraordinary claim. You really should provide stats to back it.
Also are you intentionally excluding statutory rape from that? Because that seems to be fairly common outside of prison.
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)And yes I mean forced rape of adults. Please see the statistics on male rape. If google is broken for you I can help you with that.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)provide your sources.
/really you can't honestly expect the burden of proving your point to fall on everyone else can you?
//provide sources that prove men are only raped in prison and then explain why statutory rape isn't "rape rape" (to channel my inner whoopi).
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)an "In Your Face" statement to be sure...
I took it to be a big FUCK YOU to Akin from a gay man.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)BJS estimates about 70,000 prison sexual assaults each year. The NCVS (which doesn't survey prison inmates) puts male rape at about 15,000 per year.
(907 posts)... contribute to the discussion. When he was in his late teens, a friend of mine suffered a nervous breakdown because his mother had been suffering physical abuse from his stepfather and because he had been experiencing bullying at school. He was incarcerated for a few weeks in a state mental institution where he was eventually raped by another inmate, a muscular man in his forties who overpowered him. My friend, who is now about sixty years old, suffered permanent psychological injury. He still has nightmares to this day; and the trauma also caused him to suffer a complete loss of his sex drive, with the result that he never got married and still is and will remain a virgin. At the time he was raped, the mental health profession did not recognize the fact that men also got raped; so, aside from being prescribed tranquilizers, he was given no treatment. Today he's a broken man.
(4,717 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)It's unbelievable, but I've seen the blatant and open promotion of gender-based murder, maiming, posters hooting, jeering, and high-fiving over the idea of men being herded into concentration camps, that sort of thing.
It's really astounding just how fucking sick some people are.
(22,143 posts)Stupid at worst. I don't find it vile and offensive. No humor is off limits in my opinion, it just has to be funny. This isn't all that funny.
(43,049 posts)Half-assed and forgettable attempt at humor, social statement, profundity, whatever but the reaction was, predictably, pretty much over the top. If it wasn't locked, who knows how many hundreds of posts of outrage it would be up to by now.
Curiously, the one post explaining it as something everyone might agree on was hidden, while the OP was not. Nor were posts calling for OPer's head. More grist for the jury-hater's mill, I suppose.